-Editorial As California moves to a new normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the November election change to become vote-by-mail only. This new way of voting will change the strategy the candidates had planned as they will have to find new ways to approach the voters and earn their support. …
May, 2020
28 May
New Report Reveals the Impact of COVID-19 Across the US Immigration System
WASHINGTON, D.C.— A new report released this week by the American Immigration Council examines major changes to the U.S. immigration system in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges the pandemic has created for noncitizens and government agencies. The report, “The Impact of COVID-19 on Noncitizens and …
26 May
Support for New River Funding Felt in Sacramento
-Editorial Imperial Valley residents in support of the proposed funding for the New River made their voices heard to a budget assembly committee to make sure the funding stays there. Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled his May Revision of California’s spending plan for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 keeping the New River …
23 May
Mexicali Mayor Meets Imperial County Officials to Work On Binational COVID-19 Cooperation
-Editorial Living in a binational region has many challenges that need to be addressed especially during this pandemic. On May 21st, Mexicali Mayor Marina Del Pilar Avila Olmeda and his team made a visit to Imperial County. She joined a binational meeting with Imperial County Officials The meeting was held …
23 May
Calexico City Officials Charged with Corruption
-Editorial A Calexico City Councilman and his Economic Development Commissioner have been charged with accepting cash bribes in exchange for promises of official action by the city. The lawsuit states that Councilman David Romero and his Economic Development Commissioner, Bruno Suarez-Soto, conspired to solicit and accept money in exchange for …
22 May
Governor Newsom Launches “California Connected”- The Statewide Contact Tracking and Awareness Campaign Program
-Editorial As part of efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newsom today launched California Connected, the state’s comprehensive contact-tracking program alongside the awareness campaign. As part of California Connected, public health workers from communities across the state will connect with and work with individuals who test positive …
20 May
Mayes Assembly Bill Dies in Legislative Commissions
-Editorial The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors won the second round of the legislative fight against Assemblyman Chad Mayes who introduced legislation that would require the California Energy Commission to study and report to the legislature options for IID’s electrical service to the Coachella Valley post-2033. At the May …
19 May
County Board Asked to Open Churches Again
By: Mario Conde, Reporter The Stay-At-Home order and the strict guidelines to bend the COVID-19 curve have forced large gatherings to be canceled until further notice, which includes religious services. At the May 19 Imperial County Board of Supervisors meeting, Walter Colace, Pastor at Christ Community Church, spoke to the …
16 May
The complaint was filed by the group called “Group Article 39 Pro BC”. It will be processed from the first day of June. The Baja California Congress entered a lawsuit against 21 assemblymembers of the XXII Legislature, as well as three former mayors of the State. The lawsuit, which was …
16 May
Imperial County Moves Forward to Help Local Businesses Affected by COVID-19
-Editorial The County of Imperial will have loans available for businesses that have been affected by COVID-19 during these months of the quarantine. In response to the local economic impact of the current health crisis, a request to the Executive Office staff to draft an Imperial County Business Stabilization Lending …