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Todos las noticias más recientes sobre literatura. Explora nuestra colección completa de artículos y comentarios sobre literatura, noticias sobre libros y literatura. Comentarios e información archivada obre libros y literatura. Además, revisiones literarias, artículos sobre la historia de la literatura, historias y promoción de literatura local y regional, ficción y no ficción.

August, 2024

  • 21 August

    Legacy Medical Group Brings a New Option in Urgent Care for Imperial Valley

    -Editorial Residents and members of the media were given an exclusive tour of the new Legacy MD Medical Center, a state-of-the-art facility set to enhance healthcare options in the Imperial Valley on Aug. 16. Led by Dr. Tien Tan Vo, owner and provider of Vo Medical and Medical Director of …

July, 2024

  • 5 July

    Jimmy Dorantes Selected to Write Second Edition of Calexico History Book

    -Editorial In a significant recognition of his love for his hometown and storytelling expertise, renowned photographer and Calexico native Jimmy Dorantes has been selected to write the second edition of a book chronicling the history of Calexico and its golden age from the 1930s to 1960s. The announcement was made …

June, 2024

  • 28 June

    Ellie Burgueño Publishes Book for Women’s Financial Empowerment

    -Editorial In an event filled with inspiration and empowerment, journalist Ellie Burgueño presented her second literary work, Hey Girls! You Can Also Become Badass Money Makers! at the UABC museum in Mexicali. The book launch featured a panel of prominent regional women, including journalist Colia Eguia, Mireya Cuellar, director of …

April, 2024

July, 2023

  • 26 July

    Five Tough Conversations to Have Before Your Child Heads Off to College

    -Editorial Summer is in full swing, but soon it will be time for your child to head off to college. Whether they’re entering their freshman year or returning as an upperclassman, college can be a frightening time due to the many risks threatening young people today: an unprecedented mental health …

May, 2023

  • 15 May

    Annaka Penner-Smith’s Literary Passion Opens the Doors to a World of Opportunities

    -Editorial Annaka Penner-Smith, a 22-year-old writer, possesses an unwavering dedication to her craft, seamlessly transitioning from one literary project to the next upon completion. However, this fervor stems from her profound passion for an art form that allows her to express herself authentically. Annaka’s unwavering belief in her own dreams …

April, 2023

  • 6 April

    The Arts Council of Calexico Presents The Origin Book About the City

    -Editorial The city of Calexico will celebrate 115 years of being an incorporated municipality and what better way to celebrate than by reading a book about its origins and history?  To preserve its rich history, the Calexico Arts Council called for historians and writers to participate in constructing the historical …

March, 2023

February, 2023

  • 28 February

    Latino Book Awards Celebrates 25 Years

    -Editorial More than 3,700 authors and publishers have been honored at the International Latino Book Awards in a variety of categories as the International Latino Book Awards continue the effort to promote and uplift Latino voices in literature. The Award-Winning Author seal is now recognized as a mark of quality in publishing, and …

September, 2022

  • 25 September

    Community Gathers to Unveil Book by Kevin E. Kelley

    -Editorial If there was an official title for someone that could be the Ambassador for Imperial County, that person would be Kevin Kelley.  Kelley was passionate about Imperial County, its history, and its most precious resource-water. His institutional knowledge will forever remain plastered in a book that was unveiled to …
