-Editorial A native of El Centro, California, Valle Imperial, Marco Antonio Peralta has embarked on an inspiring journey from a humble beginning to fulfilling his dream in the world of sports journalism. After graduating from Meadows Union School in 2013, followed by Central Union High School in 2017, and eventually …
July, 2024
March, 2023
26 March
Brenda Estrada, a Business Woman Driven by Faith and Vision
-Editorial -Her business, Nana’s Kitchen, brings a family together and inspires a community. Proverbs 31:25 -“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” The bible verse can be found below the Nana’s Kitchen sign at their restaurant located at 502 W. Aten Rd …
June, 2022
6 June
Jason Amavisca, focused on bringing peace and stability to Imperial County
-Editorial Every day, Jason Amavisca goes to his office in El Centro, California where he prepares for a day in court to defend his clients with the professionalism that characterizes him as a person and as a lawyer. His passion for the law shows itself every day as he speaks …
February, 2022
18 February
George Marquez, promises to bring the law, order and justice people deserve
-Editorial George Marquez is an attorney from Imperial Valley that has the respect of his peers and the community as a whole because of his character and humble personality that exudes confidence. With professional experience as a former prosecutor and now as a deputy public defender, Marquez has a unique …
November, 2020
2 November
Yulil Alonso-Garza, For a Community Without Gangs
-Editorial During this time of crisis, we’ve seen how valuable it is to be resilient, to be strong, and to be able to overcome challenges and difficult times, so on this edition, we brought the story of a very strong woman with a defined vision of the future, who cares …
January, 2020
5 January
Walt Disney, a dreamer whose career continues to inspire in 2020
By: Ellie Burgueño There are people whose history transcends after death, perhaps this happens when someone was able to make their dreams come true or fulfill their purpose in life because that’s when everything someone does is done with passion and faith, necessary elements to be able to leave an …
October, 2019
1 October
Jazmín Roa: Coffee with entrepreneur smell
-Editorial Seis Cinco Bistro Café has positioned itself as an attractive shared space, a meeting point for people of different profiles or lifestyles, who in addition to enjoying a high-quality beverage, spend a pleasant time in their lunch hour or after finishing their workday, an ideal place to talk with a …
April, 2019
20 April
Jaime Dávila Galván, tax lawyer, entrepreneur and social activist
-Editorial Jaime Dávila, is a man of challenges, efforts and work, who has managed to position himself as one of the best tax lawyers in the region and in Mexico. His passion for his hometown has led him not only to lead with ethics and professionalism in his profession and …
December, 2018
19 December
Jazmin Roa, A Woman Who Welcomes Challenge
-Introducing her own brand: Seis5 Bistro Six years ago, Jazmín began her journey as an entrepreneur and, looking for a Mexican product brand, she found Café Punta del Cielo, a franchise that gave her the opportunity to experience the wonderful world of coffee. Being an enterprising and restless woman, near …
November, 2018
4 November
-Editorial Founded in 1954, Sun Community Federal Credit Union has remained as the favorite among the community, since in addition to offering multiple services, loans and savings options to its clients, it is also focused on being the most respected and largest financial institution, trusted among residents of the Imperial …