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Legal news, insights and legal tips from experts in the legal field to help the binational community stay on top of the latest legal topics that are entirely defined by the significant local, regional, national, and around the world legal news.

Noticias legales, percepciones y tips legales dados por expertos en el ámbito legal para ayudar a la comunidad binacional a mantenerse informada sobre los temas legales más recientes que son enteramente definidos por noticias legales significativas locales, regionales, nacionales y de alrededor del mundo

August, 2024

  • 1 August

    Trademark Opposition

    By: Jaime Israel Davila Gomez, Attorney In our country, since 2018, a procedure called opposition has been incorporated into the process of trademark registration applications, and although it is simple, it has had significant repercussions. This figure will be briefly explained. If a trademark application is submitted to the Mexican …

July, 2024

  • 31 July

    Biden Slams Supreme Court Extremism, Proposes Term Limits and Ethics Code

    -Editorial In a Monday address in Austin commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, President Joe Biden called for sweeping reforms of the U.S. Supreme Court, criticizing recent decisions that he argued have granted Presidents broad immunity from criminal prosecution. Biden described this immunity as making a President …

  • 26 July

    Governor Marina del Pilar Launches Construction of Women’s Justice Center in Mexicali

    -Editorial To ensure a facility that provides protection and support for all women, girls, and adolescents in Baja California, Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda oversaw the groundbreaking of the Women’s Justice Center (CEJUM) in Mexicali, marking the third such center established during her administration. The Executive Branch leader reiterated …

  • 12 July

    Imperial County DA’s Office Secures Guilty Verdict for Driving Under the Influence of Xanax

    -Editorial On July 12, 2024, the Imperial County District Attorney’s Office successfully obtained a guilty verdict in a jury trial for misdemeanor driving under the influence of Xanax. The jury, composed of 12 members, unanimously agreed that Senior Deputy District Attorney John Harter had proven the case beyond a reasonable …

  • 2 July

    USCIS Celebrates Independence Day 2024 and Continues Its Commitment to Naturalization

    WASHINGTON— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will celebrate Independence Day this year by welcoming approximately 11,000 new citizens in more than 195 naturalization ceremonies between June 28 and July 5. These ceremonies demonstrate our government’s commitment to welcoming immigrants and promoting the benefits of U.S. citizenship for all who are …

June, 2024

  • 29 June

    A Year of Change: Reflections After the Reversal of Affirmative Action by the Supreme Court

    -Editorial The historic ruling last summer reversed decades of precedent, ending the ability of colleges and universities—public and private—to consider race as one of the many factors in deciding which qualified applicants are admitted. As the dust cleared in the post-decision shock, a tumultuous year in college admissions followed: partial-year …

  • 27 June

    Certified Art

    By: Jaime Israel Dávila Gómez, Attorney. In the art world, particularly in the realm of visual arts, the use of Certificates of Authenticity is common practice. These certificates aim to provide certainty to the buyer regarding the originality and provenance of the artwork, as well as information about its creator …

May, 2024

  • 31 May

    George Marquez Delivers Commencement Address and Joins Hall of Fame at Western State College of Law

    -Editorial On May 23, 2024, Imperial County District Attorney George Marquez delivered an inspiring Commencement address to the graduating class of Western State College of Law. A distinguished alumnus, Marquez earned his Juris Doctor Degree from the institution in 2005. In his speech, Marquez reflected on themes of perseverance and …

  • 26 May

    Agricultural Property in Mexico

    By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, corporate attorney, internationalist, law professor, social activist, and philanthropist. In Mexico, according to INEGI data, the agricultural and communal property represents 51% of the national territory. The relevance of the communal “ejidal” system in Mexico lies in the protection provided by the Mexican Constitution, as …

  • 24 May

    Ninth Circuit Ruling Enables Judicial Review of CBP’s SENTRI Program Decisions

    -Editorial In a historic decision that will benefit border crossers in the U.S.-Mexico Border, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that courts can now review the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) decisions regarding the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) program. This ruling came after …
