Part II Any kind of violence is illegal. By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney and law professor. The United States of America was one of the first countries in which women’s movements emerged fighting for their rights. In 1848 there was the first meeting of women activists in the city …
October, 2018
September, 2018
25 September
District Attorney’s Office Gives Mid-Year Report on Domestic Violence Cases
-Editorial Domestic violence is a sensitive issue that needs to be addressed in the Imperial Valley and the current partnership between the Imperial County District Attorneys Office and WomanHaven is the combination that gives victims hope during their darkest moments. Earlier this year, the Imperial County District Attorney’s office received …
18 September
Legal Instruments to Protect Women from Violence
Part I. Mexico By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney, and former professor. 66.1% of women in Mexico have experienced at least one episode of violence. Violence against women is on the rise in Mexico, despite the enactment of different laws to protect women. It is of great importance to keep …
August, 2018
19 August
Trump Administration Further Undermines Judicial Independence
WASHINGTON, DC – On August 16, the Attorney General of the United States issued a precedent-setting decision, Matter of L-A-B-R, that limits the discretion of immigration judges to grant continuances. By restricting the court’s use of a vital docketing tool, the decision further erodes judicial independence and will pressure judges to deny more …
15 August
ACLU Statement on Ninth Circuit Decision Affirming First Amendment Right to Photograph Near Ports of Entry
SAN DIEGO – Yesterday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in Askins et al. v. DHS. The case involves the public’s First Amendment right to photograph and record matters and events exposed to public view from outdoor and exterior areas at or near ports of entry. The …
4 August
Federal Court Criticizes Trump Administration For Lax Family Reunification Effort
SAN DIEGO — A federal judge today called out the Trump administration for losing track of hundreds of parents it deported without their children or can’t locate. During today’s status conference, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw said: “The reality is that for every parent who is not located, there will be …
July, 2018
28 July
Children’s disappearances in a deficient system
By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney, and former professor. Children’s and adolescents that disappeared in Mexico stand a difficult chance to be found if impunity and corruption continue to exist in the Mexican system. Since the disappearance of the forty-three young students from the Normal Rural of Ayotzinapa “Raúl Isidro …
June, 2018
16 June
Children’s Rights in the electronic revolution
By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney, and former professor. The definition of child under the US and Mexican laws is generally anyone under the age of eighteen. Each year around the world there are more than two million children suffering from commercial sexual exploitation and the number is even higher …
May, 2018
27 May
Unfair Domestic Violence Laws in California
-Editorial They say that behind every Domestic Violence case there’s always something hidden, or a true story. But in these type of cases how can a prosecutor know the truth, the real truth? Is the legal system prepared enough to find out the truth? Do they have the means or …
25 May
By: Veronica Henderson, Attorney. On June 5, 2018, there will be an election to choose judges, utility district directors, and many other important government officials. During this election season, news reporters have taken great liberty to accuse political candidates of many bad behaviors, including tax fraud and misuse of taxpayer …