Home / INTERNATIONAL (page 10)


July, 2022

  • 22 July

    El Mundial de Qatar y la geopolítica

    Por: Mario Beltrán Mainero, Cónsul para Asuntos Comunitarios y Culturales en el Consulado de México en Caléxico El 2022 ha sido un año turbulento en el escenario internacional. El ataque de Rusia a Ucrania sorprendió al mundo entero, ya que se pensaba que las grandes invasiones territoriales entre países habían …

  • 22 July

    Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup and the geopolitics

    By: Mario Beltrán Mainero, Consul for Community and Political Affairs at the Consulate of Mexico in Calexico 2022 has been a turbulent year on the international stage. Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine shocked the entire world, as large territorial invasions of countries were thought to be a thing of the past. …

  • 11 July

    Los viajeros ayudarán a impulsar la economía turística a niveles previos a la pandemia

    -Editorial Después de casi dos años de quedarse en casa y no poder viajar o salir como antes, la gente ahora tiene ganas de viajar como nunca antes. El internet ha bautizado ese deseo como “Viajes de Venganza”. El Viaje de Venganza significa ponerse al día con sus experiencias de …

  • 11 July

    Travelers Will Help Boost the Tourism Economy to Pre Pandemic Levels

    -Editorial After almost two years of staying at home and not being able to travel or go out like before, people are now having an urge to travel like never before. The internet has baptized that urge as “Revenge Travel”. Revenge travel means catching up on your missed travel experiences …

June, 2022

  • 9 June

    Aspen Institute Names Imperial Valley College a Finalist for the 2023 Aspen Prize

    -Editorial The Aspen Institute named Imperial Valley College one of the ten finalists for the 2023 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence—the first time Imperial has been in this prestigious group. The $1 million Aspen Prize is the nation’s signature recognition of community colleges that are achieving high, improving, and …

  • 2 June

    Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Amber Heard

    -Editorial A disastrous relationship between two actors that took their marital drama to the court and public opinion ended in spectacular fashion. After hearing weeks of testimony — including hours from both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard themselves — the jury’s stunning decision found both defamation suits credible and awarded …

April, 2022

  • 30 April

    El mundo celebra el Día del Niño

    -Editorial En países de todo el mundo, los niños son la clave del futuro y una parte importante de nuestro presente. Por eso hoy, en muchas partes del mundo, se celebra el Día del Niño para reconocerlo y recordarle a la gente que necesitan protección. Según la Organización Mundial de …

  • 30 April

    World Celebrates Children’s Day

    -Editorial In countries all over the world, Children are the key to the future and an important part of our present. That’s why today, in many parts of the world, Children’s Day is celebrated to acknowledge them and remind people they need protection. According to the World Health Administration, violence …

  • 28 April

    Alto a Rusia, Apoya a Ucrania

    Por: Terry Ahtziry Cárdenas Banda, abogada, catedrática, altruista y activista social. Entre lágrimas, incertidumbre y dolor se vive una tragedia de derechos humanos, con justificaciones sin fundamentos, falta de evidencia y con la comunidad internacional en su contra la Federación de Rusia continúa atacando el Estado de Derecho del pueblo …

  • 28 April

    Stop Russia, Stand Up with Ukraine

    By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney, social activist, philanthropist and law professor. Between tears, uncertainty and pain, a human rights tragedy is being experienced, with unfounded justifications, lack of evidence and with the international community against them, the Russian Federation continues to attack the rule of law of the Ukrainian …