Imperial County – The California Department of Education has released new data on school graduation rates, known as the 2016-2017 Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates (ACGR).
The CDE has made several changes to the rules of calculating this rate based on new federal guidance and audit recommendations. The methods for computing these rates are significantly different from the previous years. This new data will be used to calculate two of the five state indicators displayed in the California School Dashboard: (1) the Graduation Rate Indicator, and (2) the College/Career Indicator.
For the 2016-2017 Imperial County cohort, the Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) is 87.1%. This is 4.4% higher than California’s ACGR at 82.7%. 30.9% of Imperial County graduates met the UC/CSU graduation requirements, known as a-g criteria. This is lower that the state percentage of 49.9%. Additionally, 19% of Imperial County students earned a Golden State Seal Merit Diploma and 11% earned a Seal of Biliteracy. State percentages come in at 24% and 10.9% respectively.
This data release provides several different reports. Some reports focus on the graduates whereas, the cohort outcome data reports show all students from that cohort. For example, 4.5% of the Imperial County cohort were still enrolled in high school at the time this data was collected and 5% of this cohort were considered dropouts.
“Although there are some highlights in our data, there is still some work to be done. Imperial County schools and districts continue to examine and explore how to best serve our students and narrow the achievement gap among groups” stated Dr. Todd Finnell, County Superintendent of Schools. “It is vital that our students not only graduate, but they are also ready for college and career opportunities.”
These data reports will help districts and schools alike continue to examine their outcomes and work to refine their system to increase academic achievement and graduate success.