By: Kimberly Hernandez
Hello! My name is Kimberly Hernandez, I’m happily married and mother to three kids, the eldest is 12 years and the others are 2 and 1 year old.
After the last baby was born, I realized my clothes weren’t fitting anymore and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn’t like what I saw, so I decided to lose weight. I searched everywhere trying to find what was it that I needed to drop those extra pounds, because at the beginning of this journey, that was my major goal: just getting rid of the extra fat.
The first thing I did was finding myself a personal trainer. I didn’t have time to go to the gym, so with very little equipment and reduced space, an elliptical and some weights, I started training.
I began doing functional training, the type of exercise where you work for thirty seconds or more and rest for another short period. It was very hard at first, minutes seemed to take forever and I felt very heavy. “Where is this going?” I asked myself. So then, I would weight myself constantly and felt the same, but I kept pushing. I didn’t stop. I little while after, I started running and found out running is very fun, especially when participating in races. I downloaded online diets, apps, and YouTube videos, I even became a beach body coach and kept looking for the “weight loss secret”.
After about 3 months, I started noticing small changes, and I wanted more of it! I heard that 80% of a positive outcome is based on a diet and 20 % on exercise. I found that everything I used to eat, thinking it was healthy, it really wasn’t, so I joined an online program where you learn how to eat properly, and there was the key to success: FOOD!
When you start seeing results you simply want more of it and that’s how I fell in love with this new lifestyle, where hard work and being persistent is the key. I think the hardest part is convincing your own mind that you can do it, because some people start exersicing and then give up very soon when they don’t see results quickly.
I want to tell all mothers, or anyone who really wants to start this new lifestyle, that it isn’t easy when you first start, if it was it, anyone would do it, but if you want to, if you really want to, you can do it! That person making a positive change can be you!
It’s been eleven months already since I started training. I have seen tangible results and I will continue looking for more. I train six days a week now one hour a day. I do cross fit, attend a gym and continue to train in my garage.
Through these changes I have managed to have more energy, I feel stronger in body and mind, and my family has also benefited with the new healthy food I make for them.
Although at the beginning I would weight myself every week, I rarely do it now; because no number on the scale will ever tell me how good I feel today. So, my mission now is to set an example for other people and motivate them in order to motivate myself as well.
Join my Facebook group ‘The Cave” for tips and motivation.
Sincerely, Kimberly Hernandez.
Life Coach and mother.