Home / INDUSTRIAL / CHP Event Brings Together Diverse Industries to Maintain Road Safety

CHP Event Brings Together Diverse Industries to Maintain Road Safety


Enjoying the morning while taking pictures of the California Highway Patrol helicopter and law enforcement vehicles, Jorge Cervantes attended the annual CHP Industrial Day on March 8 with his wife and two children.

“I think it’s a good event but like how my kids are excited to learn about what law enforcement does,” he said.  

The California Highway Patrol Calexico Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility welcomed vendors and other law enforcement partners to the annual Industrial Day. After being suspended by COVID for a couple of years, the event returned with strong attendance that included seminars and information for truckers, how to combat human trafficking, and a presentation from the Department of Transportation, among other topics. It was the perfect day to have the commercial industry and law enforcement come together and learn how can they support each other. 

Fernando Martinez, CHP Commander Calexico Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility, has spearheaded this event for many years and the goal of this event is safety.

“We geared towards safety, especially on Level 1 inspections, a lot of drivers and companies are unaware of what we are looking for. They need to know what passes inspection and what doesn’t,” Martinez said. “Our goal is to make every vehicle safe for the motorist public.” 

This was a great opportunity for the drivers to talk to the officers and have a one-on-one conversation with the officers. One of the vendors at the event was Barron’s Enterprises which provided its immigration services. 

“A business like ours would provide the information about Sentri, Fast Pass, or talk about Visas these truckers are interested in. There is a shortage of truckers at this time in California and we bring the information they need,” Maritza Hurtado, owner of Barrons said. 

Gabriela Davila owner of Mobile Diesel Smoke Test said this event brings everyone together that is part of the trucking industry and sees how can they work together. 

“All the trucking companies have the same needs so our goal is for the trucking companies to come to us. Ultimately, we are here to have safer companies and safer companies and protect families,” Davila said. 

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