Poet and fiction writer Sandra Cisneros grew up in Chicago, the only daughter among the seven children of a Mexican-born father and Mexican-American mother. As a child she moved frequently between the United Stated and Mexico, spending periods in her father’s hometown of Mexico City. As she recalls humorously in …
July, 2016
June, 2016
15 June
By: Teodoro Rentería Arróyave Although the family had determined it, it is said that at the end the ashes of the great Colombian-American author, as well as citizen of the world, Gabriel García Márquez rest in his homeland, Cartagena de Indias, near the family home that faces the ocean. How …
May, 2016
29 May
By: Rubén González Vera (Psychologist, Marriage Counselor, Best Selling Author and International Public Speaker) From its cover the psychologist Ruben Gonzalez Vera’s new book, which titles “We Have the Partner We Could Afford” (Tenemos la Pareja Para la Que Nos Alcanzo), establishes the responsibility we have over our relationship, since …
28 May
Jorge Luis Borges, a Biography in Hispanic Literature.
Jorge Luis Borges, a blind librarian who became the most influential short-story writer ever to emerge from Latin America, was born in Buenos Aires. Prosperous but not rich, his family was prominent in Latin American history and included several famous military heroes. Borge’s Protestant father and Catholic mother reflected Argentina’s …
March, 2016
27 March
A Brief Look at a Great Writer’s Life: Gabriel García Márquez (1927–2014)
The Nobel Prize Award in Literature – 1982 GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, Author, Journalist (1927–2014) Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez, the most eminent Latin American writer, was born in Aracataca, a small town near the Caribbean coast of Colombia. One of sixteen children of an impoverished telegraph operator, the young writer was left to be …
22 March
How I Found Out Writing Was My Calling, by Bestselling Fitness and Personal Development Author, Derek Doepker.
By: Derek Doepker A few years ago, if you would have told me I’d be a writer, I would have called you crazy. Never would I imagine writing books, much less publishing bestselling books, would be my future calling. But today, I can’t imagine anything else. In 2011, I arrived in …