Home / LATEST NEWS / Health Expo Promoted to Help CAVIM Mexicali with Domestic Violence Programs

Health Expo Promoted to Help CAVIM Mexicali with Domestic Violence Programs


While society is overcoming the COVID lockdowns, people still need to be empowered with mental wellness to overcome obstacles and have a better life. 

Expo-Salud is an event where different instructors specialized in ancestral disciplines of internal energy management, and teach the general public how to learn to use it to strengthen their immune systems. 

The event will take place Saturday, November 5, 2022, at Punta Este Tower, 8th Floor Calzada Cetys 2600, Mexicali. This fundraising event is for CAVIM Baja Women’s Shelter, for women and children victims of domestic violence.

“We are looking to empower women but also we want them to get the tools to defend themselves if they face a dangerous situation,” said Renato Landeros.

There will be workshops on how women can defend themselves so with things they have in their purses and use self-defense when they are being attacked.

“We have taught how women can defend themselves with their keys, cellphones, and their perfumes,” he added. The goal here is not only about Martial Arts defense but how can they improve their self-esteem and mental toughness.

Landeros and his two female Black Belt Instructors will be giving the women’s self-defense seminar.

The consequence of the pandemic has left many people locked up in their homes with less to return to their previous life. No previous experience is required and it will be adapted so that people aged 60 and over can know to improve their health. 

The instructors are contributing their time. The money collected will go to CAVIM A.C. This is the first of subsequent events to be held in the different municipalities of Baja California.

The Center for Attention to Domestic Violence in Mexicali Cavim emerged from the lack of specialized care for families in situations of violence.  The design of the program was based on the care model of Alternativas Pacificas de Monterrey and other models used in the United States.  Opening its doors on September 28, 2001.

The Center for Attention to Domestic Violence in Mexicali Cavim, emerged from the lack of specialized care for families in situations of violence. The design of the program was based on the care model of Alternativas Pacificas de Monterrey and other models used in the United States.  Opening its doors on September 28, 2001.

CAVIM is a Civil Association duly constituted for humanitarian purposes, non-profit, and with its legal personality that is made up of professional women who are committed to seeking care and preventing family violence. 

Initially, CAVIM depended on the Municipal DIF and had the support of the Board of Trustees.  As of 2011, the Board of Trustees retains full responsibility for the center, becoming a Civil Association.

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