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The season to smile


By: Emir López, Dentist

It is the season to smile and share without reserves. It is time to take a good reality check and find us in good health. It’s time to meet our loved ones and find them equally well, thriving and striving towards a great tomorrow.  There’s no doubt that quality of life is God given, it demands devotion to keep it, and even more effort and help to regain it if lost.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Research, the CDC estimated that nearly half of the adult population in the southern states suffers some form of periodontal disease, requiring prompt treatment.

“This is the first study to model the distribution of adult periodontitis in states and local areas in the United States,” says Dr. Paul Eke, CDC epidemiologist and lead author of the study.

Dr. Eke also estimated geographic distribution of adult periodontitis to be highest among southeastern and southwestern states, with concentrated pockets among Native American reservations, and along the US-Mexico border.

Given the occasion to meet and celebrate, it is not uncommon to notice the shame that some endure at the dinner table. There’s no shortage of frail, sensitive or just-plain missing teeth that ruins the day with trouble and depression taking place of wellness.

In fact, there’s no valid reason to let the hardships continue on to the New Year. To this day, there are thousands capable of testifying the virtues of preventive care and dental implant solutions on your quality of life.

State-of-the-art Dental Implantology has revolutionized the ways to restore missing dentition. Now, each implant can be placed in a very precise procedure, with Computer-tomography assisted surgery that results in peace-of-mind and a more pleasant visit for dental implant placement.

Thanks to the latest advances in tissue bioengineering, and to the marvelous  ability of the human body to accept novel graft-materials by means of the latest Guided Tissue Regeneration techniques, currently we can approach many complex cases of bone loss that where not viable to support dental implants and dentures.

Nowadays, we can say that constant advanced training has made our team capable in employing several options in your favor, to make it easy for you to afford previously untapped resources to restore confidence in day to day living. That’s forward-thinking dentistry empowering you with more reasons to smile at life.

Let me invite you first to invest in prevention for the whole family (regular checkups, as well as preventive and maintenance procedures), or in case of ailment, I encourage you to decide and set time for an appointment to put limit to the damage that could get worse overtime.

The concern about having a healthy, clean and beautiful smile is increasing.

With the arrival of the new year and resolutions, today is a good time to pave the way towards happiness, and to take action in favor of your wellbeing.

Emir López

Smile designers

Donatt Dental Group


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