Home / POLITICS / The next Baja California governor will be in power two years, Resolution of the Electoral Court

The next Baja California governor will be in power two years, Resolution of the Electoral Court

By: Fidel Gastelum, reporter

The Federal Electoral Justice Court of Baja California has ruled that the new governor of the state is in power only for two years.

This was the final decision on this legal situation, where the Electoral Justice Court of the State of Baja California established that it would be a period of six years, in contrast to the 2014 law, when it was previously established for a period of two years.

In this regard, Ernesto Eloduy, president of Coparmex Mexicali, said that this was good news. “I think it is really a test of legality and commitment to the people of Baja California, in an environment of credibility for the legal instruments and democratic institutions.”

“We have to thank the federal court, which acted in accordance with the establishment of the electoral law, this is a good resolution, it shows impartiality and is a test of legality to provide confidence to the population of Baja California.”

Two weeks ago, Coparmex began a legal process to judge two state magistrates, who had modified the rules for the next term of the governor, undermining the state’s electoral law.

As a final comment, he invited people to vote this weekend and to trust the electoral institutions.

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