By: Laura Meza
Mexicali. – On May 5th of the present year a ceremony led by the mayor of Mexicali Gustavo Sánchez Vázquez was held where he announced the Municipal Development Plan that will guide the administration of the city in the next three years, he pointed.
This ceremony was held in the facilities of the State Center of the Arts in company of other members of the city council, representatives of sectors of society as well as officials from different levels of government.
Sánchez Vázquez stressed that this plan will be the basis of shaping that will guide public policy in coordination and collaboration with citizens, companies, institutions and organizations of society. He added that this document is made up of eight public policies: Public Services and Infrastructure, Human Development, Public Security, Territory Planning and Urban Mobility, Environmental Development, Transparency and Anti-Corruption System, Government for results.
It should be noted that more than 3 thousand 500 inhabitants participated through citizen consultation forums, analysis tables, websites, surveys and others in order to concentrate the opinions of different sectors of Mexican society.
In that sense, the official explained that this plan will seek to be transparent and accessible to the demands of citizens through round tables to promote actions and strategies to re-position the municipality of Mexicali as a privileged place for investment, generation of well-paid and better-paid jobs that contribute to a better development of Mexican families.
Finally, the official invited all those present to contribute to the positive development of the city through opinion to demand a better performance of the public sector.