In a nation where service to others is deeply valued, AmeriCorps stands as a beacon of hope empowering individuals to make a difference in their communities and for personnel that need help. If you attend community events in Imperial Valley, you will see a group of motivated young people helping in the event and supporting community-based organizations.
Active members like Kimberly Maya started with the program as a volunteer for two years when she was invited by a friend and later joined.
“Since we are a border community of English learners what we do is tutor students from kinder to high school and some of our members work in special education, we also do farmers markets, community events, parades, and other activities,” Maya said.
The program offers leadership opportunities such as leading activities at school or in the community that helps them develop skills that will help them in the future.
AmeriCorps provides opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds to serve their country, address the nation’s most pressing challenges, and improve lives and communities.
“It’s a good program for those that want to work in education and will open doors since we work with different organizations,” she added.
Kimberly’s brother, Rafael, recently joined AmeriCorps and is enjoying the experience of helping the community by being more involved. Rafael is majoring in Administration of Justice.
“Before I enjoyed helping as many people as I possibly can but helping the community as part of AmeriCorps by donating food, and water, helping the community by picking up the trash. It does help me with my law enforcement career because it gives me an idea of how the valley is and connects with the community,” Rafael said.
In Imperial Valley, AmeriCorps Borderlands is a National Service Program where individuals 17 years and older are enlisted across the nation to “Get Things Done” in their communities across the nation. In exchange for their service to local schools and neighborhoods, AmeriCorps members receive a living allowance and are eligible for an education award.
Borderlands AmeriCorps Program provides an opportunity to 44 AmeriCorps Members to tutor children in grades K-12 and special education youth at local school service sites to strengthen communities and to participate in a member development training program. The AmeriCorps Members must have a willingness to work with diverse populations in communities throughout Imperial County. AmeriCorps Members need to be positive role models for students and be dependable, community-minded, highly motivated, self-starters, and flexible and need to possess leadership ability or leadership potential.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Americorps is its ability to provide a pathway for personal and professional growth. Participants, known as AmeriCorps members, gain invaluable skills and experiences that enhance their prospects. Through training, mentorship, and hands-on service, members develop leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, and a deep sense of empathy and compassion. These attributes not only benefit the communities they serve but also equip members with the tools needed to excel in their careers and personal lives.