Home / POLITICS / $48 Million Saved In Arizona Taxpayer Money Due to New Regulation

$48 Million Saved In Arizona Taxpayer Money Due to New Regulation

PHOENIX, AZ.- Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, recently announced that due to widespread regulation cuts, a resulting $48 million in taxpayer money was saved. Last year, upwards of 650 regulations were cut, inevitably leading to savings. Ducey described many of these regulations as essentially “needless”, making for easy cuts in the effort to save taxpayer money.

A Continual Push Toward Regulation Cutting

Governor Ducey, who has built a reputation on regulation cutting since taking office, has kept the general fund entirely intact despite the recent cuts. He plans on cutting further regulations, so long as it doesn’t negatively impact Arizona citizens. Many of these regulations, he believes, unnecessarily slow the productivity of residents and businesses. They are often considered to be outdated, and no longer useful in the current state of Arizona’s economy. Many of them seem to have an equally negative impact upon both small and large businesses. Ducey intends for his efforts to lead to a state government that does not negatively intervene with citizens.

The Regulation Rollback Program

This strategy has been called “Regulation Rollback”. These regulation cuts often lead to easier maneuvering within business operations, which can be viewed as a plus, by the ever-increasing numbers of high-profile companies that move their headquarters to Arizona. Nikola Motor Company, a company dedicated to making hybrid trucks, is a recent example of this trend. Through this rollback program, citizens are encouraged to suggest regulations that they believed to be unnecessary or even harmful.By taking part in Regulation Rollback, Governor Ducey and many of his constituents believe that people can actively participate in making Arizona a more accommodating location, for innovators and entrepreneurship.

More Information About Governor Ducey’s Regulation Rollback Program.



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