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Yulil Alonso-Garza is a Candidate for IVC Board


Go Big or Go Home!

That’s Yulil Alonso-Garza’s motto in life and she adapts it to everything she does. Yulil is running for a seat on the Imperial Valley College Board of Trustees. Alonso Garza is a teacher at Enrique Camarena Jr. High and works with students on a daily basis.

Almost immediately, she started her campaign hard and fast which lead to the incumbent to withdraw from the race. He had been part of the IVC board for 31 years.

Yulil believes her passion for students and for IVC makes her the best candidate for the position.

Yulil is the founder of the MAG Coalition who works with youth and prevents them from joining gangs.

The MAG Coalition utilizes alliances with county agencies, parents, school districts, and various businesses to organize youth events and outreach prevention programs, in its crusade against gang presence and gang recruitment.

Most notably, the coalition has worked successfully with local government entities such as Imperial Valley College Board of Trustees, the Imperial County Board of Education, amongst others, to enact Anti-Gang Awareness resolutions. Additional outreach programs include scholarship programs, 5K events, anti-bullying presentations, and literacy events.

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