Home / Health & Fitness / Why Buy Life Insurance?

Why Buy Life Insurance?

By: Octavio Cortez, MBA

Out of the many things we have in our bucket list, Life Insurance might be the last item on it, or it probably isn’t even on our list.

When we buy our dream house or dream car, we immediately purchase homeowners insurance or car insurance to protect our asset from any potential loss. We certainly don’t want to leave those assets unprotected.

The same occurs when we buy expensive electronics, we want to make sure they too have insurance in place. There is a pretty long list of items we tend to insure, but for some reason our LIFE is something that we either forget, leave aside for the future, or simply never insure.

It is a fact that when someone passes, survivors experience not only emotional stress, but financial stress as well.  Many people don’t realize the huge financial impact on survivor’s lives when such event occurs. That’s why it’s very important to include purchasing Life Insurance as part of your to-do list; as a matter of fact, it should be at the very top of your list.

While many might believe life insurance is expensive, the fact is that life insurance can be very affordable, depending on the type of product and the amount of insurance.

The following are usually the top reasons why you should have Life Insurance: It replaces the income your family will no longer have, it helps cover burial expenses, thus avoiding having to ask relatives for money, it helps pay off any remaining debt, including a mortgage if you have one, and any outstanding medical bills, it is there to pay your children’s college tuition, providing more options for your children to choose the school of their choice, and in general, you buy yourself and your family peace of mind knowing that your family will be financially stable should you die prematurely.

As you can see, Life Insurance is an extremely valuable product you should not leave for later. Make sure to review your options, and you will find out Life Insurance is not the expensive product you thought. Think about it, purchase it. Your family will be happy you did!



Belellano Insurance Services
343 S. 8th St. Ste. A
El Centro, CA 92243
Ph: 760-370-3090
Fx: 760-370-3092
E-Mail: octavio@belellanoinsurance.com
CA License Number: 0F46585



San Diego Office

4045 Bonita Rd. Ste. 102

Bonita, CA 91902

Ph: 619-267-7600

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