By: Arch. Victor Hermosillo, businessman.
It is not easy to create a binational gazette, because, although only a fence separates us, the reality between us and our neighbors is very great, the language, the way we are and our development limit us in our relationships.
We go to work, shop and play in the Imperial Valley, but we don’t do business, we live in our own world and they in theirs.
For this reason, Beyond Borders Gazette is a very important relationship link that informs us of regional activities on both sides of the border, politics, business, tourism, gastronomy and many other things; in addition, it communicates the opinions of important people who represent the Imperial Valley Authorities and our country.
There are already 65 editions of this magazine which is a great medium platform that is printed monthly, a sign that there is perseverance, dedication and talent to give us an overview of what is happening in our border region; It is published in both languages, English and Spanish, so we can all find out what’s happening, there is no excuse.
We should not be so indifferent to each other, less when the majority of Imperial Valley residents are of Mexican descent. Knowing what is happening on the other side of the fence would help us see how the government of the County and the cities of El Centro, Brawley and Calexico are doing, and it would surely help us do similar activities in Mexicali.
Seeing how its citizens act before the government and in their neighborhoods, they show that they have much greater respect for their neighbors than we have, as well as less fear of the authorities.
Activities could be planned which give us a better approach, such as concerts, art exhibitions, and plays, to be held here and there in schools, clubs, communities and professional organizations. We also learn about the importance of communication with the agricultural authorities and the water authority to make our resources more efficient in the field that needs them so much.
We can also see the possibility of business here and there, knowing that most of the companies that have businesses in our Mexicali are large corporations that do not have their headquarters or production center in the Imperial Valley.
I congratulate Ellie Burgueño and her team for this great effort, a sign that they see Mexicali and the Imperial Valley as a region that can integrate more culturally, socially, and economically every day.