By: Teodoro Renteria Arróyave

Of course, we must worry about economic COVID, which the entire world is already facing, but not to the degree of total despair that has been caused in previous crises, taking people to suicides, regrettable events that, obviously, have no regress.

António Guterres himself, Secretary-General of the United Nations, UN, has warned us “that the ‘New Coronavirus’ could drag 100 million other people into extreme poverty, which reveals, he assured, the fragility of an unequal world.”

These are certain data that indicate the failure of rampant capitalism and imposed neoliberalism. The sharpest and freest minds, with which we have coincided, have pointed out that, as always, the ills of the world feed on the humble people, the street people, the people belonging to the strata of poverty and extreme poverty.

In his speech delivered by the world leader in the virtual ceremony for the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, the liberator of South Africa, when making a paragon of the reality we face, he pointed out accurately: “We have been brought to our knees by a microscopic virus. The pandemic showed the fragility of our world… Entire regions that had made progress in eradicating poverty and reducing inequality have regressed for several years.”

In his speech delivered by the world leader in the virtual ceremony for the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, the liberator of South Africa, when making a paragon of the reality we face, he pointed out accurately: “We have been brought to our knees by a microscopic virus. The pandemic showed the fragility of our world… Entire regions that had made progress in eradicating poverty and reducing inequality have regressed for several years.”

The Secretary of the highest world body is right, the disinherited people of all times, victims of the imposed neoliberalism, are the ones who will suffer from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic; as for the well-to-do social strata, as history shows, they will quickly recover.

In other types of economies, such as, for example, very impressive, the People’s Republic of China, a growth of 3.5 percent is already reported in its economy.

Gutiérrez also lamented that “the G-20 countries – the strongest economies on earth – which concluded in a virtual meeting, did not announce to extend until 2021 a moratorium on the debt of poor countries, which they approved in April for this year, as requested by the World Bank, they hardly stated that they would consider an extension of the measure in the coming months, depending on the evolution of the pandemic. “

Consequently, let’s get greatly concerned with the poor nations, the others will recover quickly, none of them should be left behind, the crumbs will be for the others if they arrive.

Journalist and writer; President of the National College of Graduates in Journalism, CONALIPE; Secretary of Social Development of the Latin American Federation of Journalists, FELAP; Founding President and honorary life of the Federation of Associations of Mexican Journalists, FAPERMEX, member of the Permanent Advisory Council of the Primera Plana Club, Doctor Honoris Causa from the International University and Full Member of the National Academy of History and Geography, ANHG. I will appreciate your comments and criticism at teodoro@libertas.com.mx,  teodororenteriaa@gmail.com We hear each other on frequencies throughout the Republic of Libertas Radio. We invite you to visit: www.felap.info, www.ciap-felap.org,  www.fapermex.org,  and www.clubprimeraplana.org,  the portal www.libertas.mx and the IRRADIA MORELOS platform

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