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Technology vs. Concentration


By: Leticia Mancera

Our lives constantly demand of us attention and concentration to execute our daily activities in an efficient manner in the least time possible.

Digital Technology has surpassed the traditional communication means that for many years were the only ones – telegraph, mail, radio and television.  Now all this in the palm of our hands.

The digital intelligent device, i-something, robes attention from the activity we are doing with a simple bing or tweet.  It´s so intelligent that it has strained us, just as we do with animals, to obey at a single whistle.  The device rings and immediately we are distracted and are urged to know who calls.  Who is greeting me?  Who thinks about me?  Even though this creates an instant of emotional satisfaction, it takes our attention away from our activity, delivering stress and frustration when times up and work is not accomplished.

It´s been proved by different investigators that the human brain is not capable to execute simultaneously more than one task to a 100%.  This means that multitasking is not possible efficiently. The cognitive capacity of the brain is diminished by having attention on different situations.  Adults as do children suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)

“Each minimal distraction takes the brain 23 minutes and 15 seconds to renew its former activity”

Our brains are not “wired” for “multitasking”. This been said by various professors of neuroscience.  Gloria Mark from the University Irvine, California – Department of Informatics has published several documents on the matter.  Try for yourself and   Google words like multitasking versus concentration and you´ll find astonishing comments.

  • Set aside a specific time of day to check e-mails, read news and chats with friends.
  • In case you are waiting for an urgent phone call, assign a specific tone to your i-device so it can filter the incoming call.

“Use i-technology as your personal assistant retaining calls for your convenience.”

  • If you eat alone and feel company need, activate you chat. Although it´s not highly recommended, (when eating you should concentrate on eating) you have to start somewhere.
  • Take 3 minute relaxation – meditation time every 2-3 hours. In a 9 hour working day, you have dedicated 15 minutes to yourself.  Arrive home and disconnect your cellphone.  Your loved ones are with you.

Minute 1

  • Sit in a comfortable position on a chair with your back straight and feet on the floor. Rest your arms over thighs and place hands over your abdomen.
  • Expand your abdomen and feel how as it expands air starts incoming into your body through your nose; contracting your abdomen air flows out of your nose. Breathe this way several times.
  • Close your eyes, relax your vision and mind. Any thought that comes in let it go like a flock of sparrows flying by.

Minute 2

  • Place your attention in the space between your eyes and visualize a bright white screen just behind your forehead. Keep up with your abdominal breath. See white, think blank.

Minute 3

  • Zero expectations. Continue breathing giving from 4 to 7 counts as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Keep your attention focused on your breath and enjoy the sensation of heavy weightlessness and your reinvigorating rest.

Leticia Mancera Ortega

Grand Master in Yoga


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