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Studying engineering: We tell you why it’s still a good idea


With the advent of Artificial Intelligence applications, the role of engineers is being redefined. The competencies and capabilities of the engineering professional of the future are predicted to be essential and well-compensated

Predictions about the future of the labor market are evolving by leaps and bounds, making it increasingly difficult for students, employers, and educators to anticipate their behavior. However, there are some trends that may be of help to the future workforce, specifically in the engineering field.

Over the next 10 years, the different engineering disciplines will experience stable growth of 8.3%, according to data produced by the Employability Projection for Graduates of Engineering Programs, generated by the Department of Labor Statistics of the Federal Government of the United States.

Future engineers are also expected to enjoy a 3.2% increase in salaries, said Dr. César Martínez Olvera, professor at the CETYS University School of Engineering at the Mexicali Campus. This is a reflection of the ongoing competition to retain engineering talent.

“Another aspect worth mentioning is that with the arrival of new computer applications that incorporate the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies, many of the engineering tasks will become automated; that is, decision-making will no longer depend on human intervention, because of this, the role of the engineer will have to be re-thought and redefined”, explained the professor.

As a result, a hybridization of engineering profiles is proposed, which entails engineering professionals possessing a combination of soft and hard skills, for example, the so-called Data Science or the Six Sigma methodology. “This hybridization is by nature a combination of technical and managerial skills.”

At the same time, it is clear that engineering is increasingly becoming a discipline dependent on the digitization of value chains. Currently, at the end of their training, professionals in this field, regardless of their discipline, are users capable of exploiting numerous computer-based tools, something that just a few decades ago was the exclusive domain of computer engineers.

“In addition, other mechanisms are being explored, such as compensation packages that include performance-based compensation structures and the development of individual professional and organizational growth plans.”

That said, as a result of the current crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home will be the norm for many of these jobs, something that is emerging as a benefit that will allow engineering professionals to enjoy a balanced lifestyle and will help them cut down daily commute times and costs, while organizations can reduce the costs derived from renting office space.

These recent forced changes have led organizations to rethink the nature of the relationship with their collaborators, generating new employability modalities such as project contracting, a scheme opposed to indefinite-term contracting.

“All these factors lead us to expect that the market value of an engineering degree will increase more and moreover the years, mainly due to the technological challenges that value chains are facing. Knowing that achieving a truly sustainable and circular economy is possible only through the correct balance between the use of technology and the consumption of natural resources, engineering is the discipline that is preparing the professionals who will be able to achieve it”, concluded Dr. César Martínez Olvera.

Learn more about the engineering programs available at CETYS Universidad cetys.mx/transcendingborders/.

Article on the web: www.cetys.mx/noticias/estudiar-ingenieria-te-dec/

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