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More Local Entity Grant Fund Recommendations Presented to IID Board


The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors discussed the next round of Local Entity funds that will be given to local organizations and businesses that are looking for support and survive the pandemic. 

The meeting took place on Nov. 17 as the IID Board reviewed the recommended list of organizations that applied for this funding. This is the second round of funding that is given by the IID since the previous list of recommendations was approved by the board to receive these funds. 

The IID Board of Directors, acting as the Local Entity, functions to authorize grant funding to help offset socioeconomic impacts resulting from land fallowing implemented within the IID water service territory in furtherance of the Quantification Settlement Agreement.

The IID/San Diego County Water Authority water transfer agreements authorized $50 million in mitigation funding, with $30 million provided by the San Diego Water Authority and $20 million by IID. Since 2008, nearly $32 million of these monies have been disbursed to farm service providers whose businesses were affected by fields contracted for fallowing by IID in support of its water transfer programs, fully allocating the monies set aside for those purposes. Additionally, the Local Entity has committed over $10 million to support local non-profits, community organizations, and Imperial Valley business endeavors, focusing on business expansion and job creation and funded over $6.4 million in larger-scale grants to reopen a local beef processing plant, develop a sugarcane-based ethanol processing plant and assist in the development of an expanded new local food bank facility. In total, $48 million in funding has been disbursed to date, with the balance of the funding committed to grantees or used to fund authorized administrative costs since 2003.

A board subcommittee developed the funding award recommendations to expand on the success of previous grantees, support local businesses, assist with community outreach, and provide community benefits. The grant recommendations are as follows:

AJ AirTech $40,000 for equipment purchases and COVID reopening expenses and supplies. 

American Legion Auxiliary Bradley-Kieffer Unit 138-$15,000 for supplemental veteran support.

Art Garcia’s Gardening-$15,000 for equipment purchase

Brawley’s Food Pantry-$10,000 for community food distribution

Calexico Parents Athletic League-$10,000 for adult recreation and soccer league

Desert Shine-$10,000 for Business Development 

El Dragon Chinese Restaurant-$15,000 for expenses and business continuity 

Ernie’s Boxing Program-$5,000 for youth recreation

Harvey’s Landscape-$15,000 for equipment purchase

Holtville Boys and Girls Club-$10,000 program support 

Imperial County Senior Fund-$5,000 for supplies for homebound and bed-ridden seniors 

Iresis Design-$15,000 business development 

IV Elite Baseball-$10,000 youth baseball support for travel and equipment

J/N Truck Wash-$15,000 Business Development

Lopez’s Churros-$5,000 Business Development 

Madriz Construction/Landscape-$15,000 vehicle and equipment purchases

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