Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Mid-Winter Fair to Showcase 1,300 Animal Exhibits

Mid-Winter Fair to Showcase 1,300 Animal Exhibits


When the 2024 California Mid-Winter Fair opens March 1, it will feature about 1,300 animal exhibits ranging from the 15 Junior Breeding Boar Goats to several hundred Market sheep, Market Swine, Feeder Calves and Steers.

Included in the Junior Poultry exhibits this year will be 37 Market Turkeys in a show that will make a return after a lengthy absence.

Judging and showmanship events begin the first day of the fair with rabbits, cavies, and poultry competition, as well as dogs, Junior Horse, Pygmy Goats and Junior Dairy Goats.

The schedule picks up over the first weekend with judging of Junior Market Livestock including Market Beef, Steer, Goat, Feeder Calves, Sheep and Swine.

The Parade of Champions for all Junior and Future Farmers of America Champions and Reserve Champions will be 6 p.m. March 3 in the Swine Ring.

In addition to FFA members, 4-H and Grange members will be competing for the top market and showmanship prizes, including Round Robin Showmanship where they display their expertise in showing various types of animals. First and second place exhibitors in various categories become eligible to compete in the Round Robin competition.

The 4-H Larger Animal Round Robin will be 6 p.m. March 5 while FFA Large Animals will compete 6 p.m. March 6. The Junior, Senior and FFA Small Animal Round Robin will be 6 p.m. March 7. 

In the Large Animal Round Robin, contestants must who each species of Production Steer, Beef Cattle, Market Goat, Dairy Goat, Sheep, Swine, Horse and Holstein Feeder Calves. The Small Animal Round Robin includes Rabbits, Poultry, Cavies, Pygmy Goats, Waterfowl and Dogs.

Two auctions, March 8 and 9, will conclude the fair’s animal events. The order of sale at these auctions will be announced later.

The 2023 auction brought in nearly $1.8 million for the sellers. The highest price was paid for a steer: $15,720 while the highest price per pound ($95) was paid for a goat.

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