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Ivy League Schools Choose Online Classes for This Fall


Ivy League Schools in the United States have made a decision to have their fall semester online in order to lower the exposure of their students and staff to COVID-19.

Most of the top universities have either chosen to go fully online or have a combination of in-person or online students. One thing is clear, the university experience will never be the same.

University of Washington

The university will hold a virtual meeting for the campus community on July 10 to discuss the fall semester.

A June 30 update shared that the University of Washington will provide a combination of in-person and online coursework. The school will prioritize in-person coursework for hands-on classes, like studio, clinical, and lab courses. The university will teach all courses with more than 50 students remotely.

Georgetown University

A June 18 update announced that the fall semester for the School of Continuing Studies will take place online. A previous update from earlier in the month shared that the university’s main campus is still working on a plan for the upcoming semester.

Boston University

A May 16 announcement suggests Boston University has begun phase one of its return to campus plan, which includes resuming some on-campus research. The university also released a digital book with a detailed guide of the first phase. Boston University is planning both in-person and remote coursework for the fall semester, according to their website.

Princeton University

Princeton University President Chris Eisgruber told the Princeton community that the university will decide whether classes for fall 2020 will be conducted online or in-person in early July.

Yale University

In a July 1 update, Yale University announced that most classes will be held remotely, aside from studio and lab classes. Juniors and seniors will be able to live on campus. In the fall, freshmen will have the option to live at Yale as well, and in the spring, sophomores will.

Columbia University

Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger updated the community on April 23 confirming that the university will reopen in the fall, and details about how will be announced over the next two months.

Harvard University

Harvard University announced that all coursework will take place online in the fall on July 6. Additionally, the university plans for 40% of undergraduates, including freshmen and students without a suitable home learning environment, to return to campus in the fall. Those living on campus will have their own bedrooms and shared bathrooms.

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