The Imperial Valley Business Recovery Task Force has launched a campaign to garner Valley-wide assistance and support to get businesses opened quickly but safely.
“In order for businesses to meet the county and state criteria for openings, the continuing spread of COVID 19 in the county must be slowed. The only way that can happen is by citizen cooperation, and we are asking everyone to take a pledge to assist,” said Katie Luna, task force coordinator.
The pledge is posted on the task force website at It asks residents to commit to supporting local businesses by following health guidelines and taking responsibility for their own actions.
It states, “I promise to keep myself and my community safe, to help with COVID-19 however I can, as long as it takes.”
Those who take the pledge are being asked to print out a copy and display it. The campaign was developed after surges in COVID 19 cases that followed gatherings over the Mother’s Day weekend.
“We realize the public is tired of being cooped up in their homes, and that frustration also is shared by businesses that are assuring extreme economic losses during this pandemic,” Luna said. “But the only way we can solve this is through united e‑ ort to stop the spread.”
The task force is a coalition of the Joint Chambers of Commerce, Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation, the Small Business Development Center, Workforce Development Board, the Local Health Authority, and Reliance Public Relations, in addition to partnerships with local cities, various County of Imperial departments, and others.