• Applicants will be able to send their application and other requirements from October 22 to November 20.

MEXICALI, BC. – The State Electoral Institute of Baja California (IEEBC), through the Commission of Regulations and Legal Affairs, has launched the call for all citizens of this entity, wishing to participate in the process of selection, appointment and, where appropriate, ratification of District Councilors.

The Electoral Counselor and President of the Commission, Graciela Amezola Canseco, explained that the Electoral District Councils are the operative and dependent bodies of the General Council responsible, within their competence, for the preparation, organization, development, monitoring and computation of the elections for Governor, Mayors and Assemblymembers by both principles.

She pointed out that, in each Electoral District in which the territory of the State is divided, a Council will operate, with residence in its head. Each one will be formed by five Numerary Electoral Counselors and two Supernumerary Electoral Counselors, which will remain in office for three years from the date of their appointment.

Supernumeraries, which will remain in office for three years from the date of their appointment.

Also, Graciela Amezola informed that those who are interested in participating in this process must fill out the forms that will be made available for this purpose on the IEEBC internet portal www.ieebc.mx, from October 22 to November 20 2018.

The indicated documentation will be received at the IEEBC offices, located at Av. Rómulo O ‘Farril number 938, col. Centro Cívico y Comercial, C.P 21000, Mexicali, B.C. and she said that applicants who do not reside in Mexicali, may deliver their documentation at the address and on the dates shown, which with the appropriate opportunity, will be published on the Institute’s website.

Among the requirements established to aspire to the position are, among others, being a Mexican citizen by birth, in addition to being in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights, be registered in the Federal Register of Voters and have a valid voter registration card; have more than 23 years of age to the day of the assignment; have a residence in the municipality where the local electoral district is to which he belongs, during the last five years, has not been registered as a candidate or has not held any office of popular election in the three years prior to the appointment; as well as not having held any position of national, state or municipal leadership in any political party.

Finally, the Counselor and President of the Commission invited the candidates to obtain more information on the official website of the institution www.ieebc.mx.

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