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History of Platelet Therapy

By: Dr. Elton Gómez, Stem Cells Expert

By observing that many women with chronic diseases felt better during the last months of pregnancy and that this state of well-being was maintained for several months after childbirth, and even repeated in subsequent pregnancies. It was suspected that the placenta had a great regenerative capacity for the whole organism, and placenta implants were started in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, likewise, it was observed that working with the placenta in a low-temperature environment, placental implants then had a much better effect.

The discovery was made and the proteins that contained the placenta were called, biogenic factors, which with more research concluded that these were interleukins, hormones and growth factors.

It is now known that placental proteins contain more than 12 substances, such as growth hormone, anti-inflammatory interleukins, hepatocyte growth factors, ACTH, insulin growth factor, endothelial growth factor, endorphins, and interferons of 3 types.

Each of these compounds is concentrated in the implant, is more viscous and denser, due to the extraordinary concentration of these substances.

When implanting the placental proteins in the subcutaneous cellular tissue the release of these substances begins, approximately during 8 to 13 months, these compounds, at pituitary level, regulate and stimulate the metabolism between the nervous and endocrine systems, with this many conditions can be medically treated, but particularly diabetes with excellent results, and also the systemic hypertension, and other diseases which belong to the endocrine (hormonal) system.

Thus the implant of the placenta, placed in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, stimulates metabolism to reach a balance between the nervous and endocrine systems, as a result, aging becomes slower.

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