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February – Month of Love


The year begins and rapidly as a prologue to what we will live during the year, we experiment political changes in our country. Weeks pass and innumerable facts, statements and news reach us through social networks immediately. Maybe for some of us, it´s the first time we become interested in the social-political statements expressed by the country´s leaders from both sides of the border.

North or south of the controversial wall, regardless of where you live we have become more sensitive to this matter and towards the government laws proposed by leaders that affect our economy.  Long ago, before 1972, the international border was a chainlink fence along the urban zone, no division existed in agricultural areas, only irrigation canals. Rivers or mountains where the natural boundaries that divided both countries in a cordial, pacific and friendly manner. The social and economic exchange was easy.

This year the fence is becoming dense, higher and present; gasoline and petroleum prices; commercial swap between the two countries have become topics of conversation between friends and family. Internal and world policies regarding racism and illegal aliens affect us.

Our emotional state, regardless if we are in favor or against a proposed law is disturbed. You doubt what to buy and where to buy it from.  What has changed?  The energy liberated by the feelings behind the spoken word has changed. How should we react to this situation? With love, unconditional love and truth. Without fear, fear paralyzes us. This is what Yoga – a philosophy of life inherited to the whole world by India teaches us. Let´s take Gandhi´s example.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) a lawyer, thinker and politician took India to its independence between 1942-45, using in his crusade the philosophical principles of India as Non-Violence – Ahimsa and unconditional love.  These feelings were expanded to sustain Truth – Satyagraha, as resistance to vileness without aggression. Peaceful resistance was his banner.

Our feelings and emotions become energy that when strengthen by hate and violence lessen our peace and disturb our lives. Let us use that same energy of feelings and emotions to send waves of love to those who proceed without any sense, lost from the true Self that dwells within them.  Let us live without fear, making each day an action that contrasts the shameful, vile and despicable actions.  Be the change. Work in your own place sending love without submission, making a peaceful resistance that can place our countries in the world map as an example of brotherhood that overcame tyranny. It is possible to live in harmony showing the true desire and SELF of the PEOPLE.

Say NO to racism    Say NO to Violence

Non – Violence and Truth. The same principles that Gandhi and later Mandela used successfully in the struggle for unity. Gandhi sustained that spirituality is not just reciting Holy Scriptures, it is rather cultivating the heart, which he said requires endless fortitude, daringness he said, “Is the initial requirement to spirituality, its birth certificate, its energy without return.” NAMASTE.

Leticia Mancera Ortega

Yoga Master

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