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Legal news, insights and legal tips from experts in the legal field to help the binational community stay on top of the latest legal topics that are entirely defined by the significant local, regional, national, and around the world legal news.

Noticias legales, percepciones y tips legales dados por expertos en el ámbito legal para ayudar a la comunidad binacional a mantenerse informada sobre los temas legales más recientes que son enteramente definidos por noticias legales significativas locales, regionales, nacionales y de alrededor del mundo

March, 2016

February, 2016

  • 29 February

    (CASA) Court Appointed Special Advocates in USA

    Have You Heard About the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for Children Organization? The National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association, together with its state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the United States can be safe, have a permanent …

  • 23 February

    California’s four-year universities reach out to immigrant students with low-interest DREAM loans

    The L.A. Times: Officials at California’s four-year public universities are reaching out to an estimated 10,000 undergraduate students who might qualify for a special loan aimed at reducing their tuition — a program that further distinguishes the state as a national trendsetter in providing services to immigrants who are in …
