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Legal news, insights and legal tips from experts in the legal field to help the binational community stay on top of the latest legal topics that are entirely defined by the significant local, regional, national, and around the world legal news.

Noticias legales, percepciones y tips legales dados por expertos en el ámbito legal para ayudar a la comunidad binacional a mantenerse informada sobre los temas legales más recientes que son enteramente definidos por noticias legales significativas locales, regionales, nacionales y de alrededor del mundo

June, 2016

  • 10 June


    By: Veronica Henderson, Attorney at Law Every day, on both sides of the border, family law/ domestic relations courts are filled with litigants seeking to divorce or modify custody orders relating to their children. These cases are often marked by hostility and anxiety, especially given the high stakes involved – …

May, 2016

April, 2016

  • 6 April

    Freedom of Expression. Is It an Absolute Right?

    By: Attorney Elias Flores Gallegos Freedom of Expression is a human right, a fundamental right and a constitutional right. It is foreseen in the Universal Human Rights Declaration, in international treaties such as the pact of San Jose Costa Rica, and in the Political Constitution of the Mexican States, among …

March, 2016

  • 20 March

    Trademarks Registration in Mexico

      By attorney: Jaime Israel Dávila Gómez In Mexico, the law defines trademarks as any visible sign that distinguishes products or services from one another in the marketplace. The right to use a trademark in an exclusive form, which means, being able to prohibit anyone else to use it for …

  • 14 March

    So close and yet, so different!

    By: Attorney Terry Ahytziry Cardenas, current student at the LL.M. in Comparative Law with concentration on International Law, University of San Diego. Graduate from the LL.M. in Corporate and International Law with honors in 2012, Cetys University System. Former law professor at the Cetys University System and consultant at a …

  • 1 March

    The California Innocence Project by the California Western School of Law, Its Roots, History and Work.

    By: Alissa Bjerkhoel, Attorney at Law Wrongful  convictions  have plagued  the  United  States nearly  since its inception.  The first documented wrongful convictions  in  the  United  States  occurred between the years 1647 and 1693 when over 36 people, mostly women, were executed for witchcraft.  Their trials and executions became infamously known …

February, 2016

  • 29 February

    (CASA) Court Appointed Special Advocates in USA

    Have You Heard About the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for Children Organization? The National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association, together with its state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the United States can be safe, have a permanent …

  • 23 February

    California’s four-year universities reach out to immigrant students with low-interest DREAM loans

    The L.A. Times: Officials at California’s four-year public universities are reaching out to an estimated 10,000 undergraduate students who might qualify for a special loan aimed at reducing their tuition — a program that further distinguishes the state as a national trendsetter in providing services to immigrants who are in …
