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Legal news, insights and legal tips from experts in the legal field to help the binational community stay on top of the latest legal topics that are entirely defined by the significant local, regional, national, and around the world legal news.

Noticias legales, percepciones y tips legales dados por expertos en el ámbito legal para ayudar a la comunidad binacional a mantenerse informada sobre los temas legales más recientes que son enteramente definidos por noticias legales significativas locales, regionales, nacionales y de alrededor del mundo

October, 2017

  • 7 October

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

    By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney and former professor. According to the International Organization of Migration, an estimated of 1.1 million undocumented minors resided in the U.S., undocumented youth make up sixteen percent of the undocumented population. In an action to protect these minors on June 15, 2012, the Secretary …

  • 2 October

    Becoming a Foster Parent: A Rewarding Experience

    By: Veronica Henderson, Attorney In our border community, many children are in need of adults to take care of them. These children do not have parents to provide for their medical, educational, and other needs because the parents to which they were born have some form of parenting deficit, rendering …

  • 1 October

    Trademark: advantages

    By: Jaime Dávila Gomez, Attorney In Mexico, it is not mandatory to register a trademark in order to use it in the market; however carrying out the registration involves a number of advantages for its owner. The first advantage is that the trademark registration implies acquiring the right to exclusive …

September, 2017

  • 29 September

    Deadline to Submit DACA Renewal Requests Approaching On Oct. 5

    WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is reminding eligible Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients that they have one week to properly file their DACA renewal requests and associated applications for employment authorization. As previously announced, for recipients whose DACA and work authorization expire between Sept. 5, …

  • 19 September

    Lawsuit Filed Challenging Delay of International Entrepreneur Rule

    September 19, 2017 Washington, DC – Entrepreneurs, startup companies, and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) filed a lawsuit in federal court today challenging the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) delay of the International Entrepreneur Rule (IER). Finalized by the Obama administration, the rule would have allowed talented foreign-born entrepreneurs to travel to …

  • 12 September


    by Tala Hartsough I took part in the AILA Annual Conference training for new chapter chairs, and as an ‘icebreaker,’ was asked to complete phrases handed out on little slips of paper. Mine read, “The best way to save….” I immediately responded, “One way to save a life is to …

  • 10 September

    What are Copyrights?

    By: Jaime Dávila Gomez, Attorney Copyrights, are the powers that a person has over an original creation that he has made. The original creation is called the work and the person who created it, the author. In Mexico, protection of a work is subject to the fact that it is …

  • 6 September

    NAFTA – Renegotiating Objectives

    By: Terry Ahtziry Cardenas Banda, attorney and former professor. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an international agreement that came into force in 1994, with the main objective of establishing the rules governing trade and investment in Canada, the United States (US) and Mexico. NAFTA has created the …

  • 6 September

    Ending DACA is an attack on the fundamental principles of freedom, opportunity, and success

    WASHINGTON, D.C— In response to President Trump’s decision yesterday to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and delay enforcement for six months, Earthjustice president Trip Van Noppen released the following statement: “President Trump’s decision yesterday to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is yet another …

  • 5 September

    Juvenile Court: The Focus Is On The Welfare of Children

    By: Veronica Henderson, Attorney The California Supreme Court recently ruled that a child can be removed from her parent, even if the parent did nothing wrong. In this particular case, the child in question was an out-of-control teenager who refused to abide by any of her parent’s rules. The child …
