By: Mario Conde
Yuma County held elections on Tuesday, August 29, where residents elected members for city council, Mayor, and Judge. Mayor Douglas Nicholls was re-elected as Yuma Mayor to another term.
Mayor / Votes Cast / Percentage of Ballots Cast
Nicholls, Douglas 5,061 84%
City Council / Votes Cast / Percentage of Ballots Cast
Counts, Gregory 2,171 36%
Knight, Gary 2,748 46%
McClendon, Leslie 2,394 40%
Ostrowski, Shelley 1,528 25%
Rojas-McNair, Kristina 1,812 30%
Rosevear, Ken 2,414 40%
Watts, Karen 2,377 40%
McIntire, Valerie (write-in) 0%
Presiding Municipal Judge /Votes Cast / Percentage of Ballots Cast
Coil, James 5,029 84%
Percentages reflect a percentage of the total number of ballots cast, rather than a percentage of the total number of votes cast, because Yuma City Council seats are considered at-large, and each ballot may contain up to three votes for members of the City Council.
Per Yuma City Charter, Article IV, Section 5, any candidate receiving votes constituting a majority of all ballots cast in the primary is elected to office. Mayor Nicholls and Presiding Judge Coil are re-elected to their seats.
Candidates for City Council will move to the general election in November at a rate of two candidates per seat; thus two will be eliminated when the final tally comes in.
Votes will become final and official once canvassed by the Yuma City Council.