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Difficult times we are living, learn and experience from them

By: Leticia Mancera, Yoga Master.

Column: Droplets

Planet earth is cleansing. Beaches and touristic destinations take-a-break. Take advantage of this enclosure. Evaluate – meditate. Understand that happiness lies within you. Your conscious needs to flourish. Silence gives you the opportunity to listen within, inside the SELF.

In this “positive confinement,” we have the opportunity to think – ponder. To count and appreciate our assets coexisting only with those who live under the same roof: the family.

Observe your immediate environment and take note of where we have arrived at. Do you like it? If not, make a plan to change it. Now observe the whole planet … What can I or should I change? We become aware that there is no need to leave home that often. We can find activity in our lawn, patio, bookshelves, in a canvas, in the kitchen. Back to basics. It is time to clean the house.

Remove from closets everything you don’t use or need. “as within so without”, a universal truth. Having order outside creates order inside and vice-versa.

Keeping centered sharing only positive news and experiences. Sharing life with your spouse and family. Having lunch or dinner all at the table. Inventing house-games.

Live alone? Greater profit. Your thoughts are even deeper, you can write them, and then share. Do not let depression overcome you, keep thoughts healthy and positive, keep busy in something you like to do.

Existence, the planet, the universe looks for and reaches an equilibrium. It must survive and it will. Humanity has survived more than one epidemic in its lifespan. We will get out of it when we are ready.

We have three planes of existence. We are body, we are mind and we are emotions. These three planes of existence work and live together for our wellbeing. Take care of the body, let your mind and thoughts keep positive so that emotions of love and happiness emerge.


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