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County Health Fair Brings Unity Among Employees


Employees are the heart and soul of every company or government body. They are the ones that provide the services and they are the face that represents the organization and that’s why it is important to recognize them every so often.

The County of Imperial hosted its annual health fair at the county administration center parking lot on Oct. 24. Thousands of employees were able to have a semi-day off from their work to enjoy good music and food while reconnecting with their colleagues and meet other employees from other departments.

The theme this year was “Superheroes” and employees were allowed to bring their favorite superhero shirt that went from Superman to Batman, and The Flash, among others.

Local businesses ranging from barber shops, mortgage companies, and local credit unions were present to give their information. The two local hospitals: Pioneers Memorial and El Centro Regional Medical Center, where they’re providing free medical checkups.

Rodolfo Aguayo, Human Resources Director said that this event brings employees together and also serves as an event to give appreciation to them for their hard work.

“For the past three years we have broken our record of attendance and is a time where we all meet in a different setting to join and say hi,” Aguayo said.

The live music performance included La Cachimba, John Leo and the Eggmen, and Mariachi Mixteco.

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