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COPARMEX Mexicali holds Annual Assembly


Mexicali, B.C.- The Ordinary Annual Assembly of COPARMEX Mexicali 2021 was held virtually. Various business and civic organizations attended, in addition to the presence of the COPARMEX President at the national level, José Medina-Mora, as well as the Vice President, Juan José Sierra.

The activities report (2019-2020) of the outgoing President of the Board of Directors, Ernesto Elorduy Blackaller, as well as the Oath of Office of the New Board of Directors and the message of the incoming President Octavio Sandoval López was the focus of the event.

The new President thanked the presence of the guests at the event. He said the reason the oldest business organization in the country has stayed for so long is due to the fidelity of postulates and humanistic principles. He said the care for the environment and zero tolerance to pollution, equality, and inclusion were included, as well as the importance of promoting socially responsible companies.

Regarding the case of Constellation Brands, Sandoval emphasized the importance of adhering to the rule of law, greater participation of business chambers and organizations. He shared that he will be working with the most representative companies and families on a plan for the same purpose.

On the other hand, he pointed out the measures for economic reactivation, they are related to the care of life and health to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus since he recognized it is essential to ensure economic development, as well as the social development that promotes justice and equity in the country.

The National President of COPARMEX, Medina-Mora, said that “it is time to collaborate in parallel (…) for the health of employees and companies, (…) give the importance of caring for the environment, is a commitment to future generations that we cannot forget, at the same time we have the challenge of economic reactivation,” he stated.

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