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Central Union High School Wins Mock Trial Tournament for Second Year in A Row


The pandemic can’t stop students from preparing themselves and participate in events like mock trials and bring out the best in local students. 

The Imperial County Mock Trial took place as Central Union High School took the crown for the second year in a row. 

The Imperial County Mock Trial Final featured Central Union vs Desert Oasis/Phoenix Rising High Schools. 

“We would like to acknowledge the energy and time students dedicated to prepare for this event and preserve during this pandemic,” a statement by Imperial County Office of Education read.  

Both teams did a phenomenal job as always as students who participate in this competition show their preparation and talent. 

The Central Union High School mock trial defeated Vincent Memorial Catholic High Schoo last year as well.

Judge Ruth Montenegro presiding over the trial and scoring attorneys Liza Barraza and Veronica Henderson. 

“My participation in Mock Trial for the past 16 years whether coaching a high school or scoring the competitions has been extremely positive. Each year I continue to be in awe of the students’ stellar performance and it is evident that they do put in a lot of hard work thanks to their dedicated teacher and attorney coaches. It’s pretty cool to see the evolution of the students that participate year after year because they start out as extremely well-prepared participants and then finish their Senior year with an amazing experience they’ll never forget,” said Liza-Barraza-Manriquez, one of the judges of this competition. 

Each year, a case packet is distributed to all participating schools in late summer to early fall. The case packet is a series of documents including the charges, penal code, stipulations, case law, and jury instructions as well as all exhibits and affidavits relevant to the case. During a mock trial, competitors are restricted to only the materials provided in the case packet and may not reference any outside sources. In order to prepare for the competition, teams thoroughly read and analyze the case packet.

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