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Relevant news concerning the region belonging to California and Baja California’s border.
Noticias relevantes relacionadas a la región perteneciente a la frontera de California y Baja California.

July, 2016

June, 2016

  • 26 June


      By: Ellie Burgueño The border region is the place where many people were brought up and influenced by both cultures, Mexican and American. It’s hard to say that a person born and raised in the US, living by the border, born to Mexican parents or even American with no …

  • 18 June


      Southern California students met CETYS University educational offer and facilities.   Mexicali BC.- CETYS University invited students from Southern California to meet its educational offerings and facilities in the first edition of “Campus Open House”, where attendees had the opportunity to be informed of the benefits provided by the …

  • 14 June

    State and Calexico Officials attended the Ribbon cutting of the Margarita De Necochea Bulldog Aquatic Center

    CALEXICO, CA.- A project which once seemed like an ever-threatened hope came to fruition Friday June 10th afternoon, during the ribbon cutting ceremony of the highly anticipated Margarita De Necochea Bulldog Aquatic Center held by the Calexico Unified School District and the City of Calexico. The Margarita De Necochea Bulldog Aquatic …

  • 11 June

    Applications for U.S. Citizenship Now Higher Than During 2012 Election

    By: Daniel White TIME.- There isn’t a clear link to Donald Trump, however… Online searches and applications for U.S. citizenship have been higher in past few months than at any time during the 2012 presidential election cycle, according to data from Google and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The latest …

  • 10 June

    Railroad Companies Reach Binational Agreement

    KPBS, SAN DIEGO.- Pacific Imperial Railroad and Baja California Railroad will start rebuilding a 70-mile stretch of railway in southeastern San Diego County this summer, paving the way for a new binational railroad, chief executives of the companies said Thursday. The rehabilitated Desert Line will connect Mexico’s border region maquiladoras to rail shipping in the …

  • 5 June

    IEE General Council installed session for Election Day in BC

    Mexicali, June 5th.- This morning, the electoral council and representatives of parties began work to monitor the development of Election Day. Directed by Javier Garay Sánchez, President Counselor of the State Electoral Institute (IEE) started permanent session in the room Luis Rolando Escalante in the city of Mexicali. The opening …

  • 4 June

    Touristic Letters Giving Identity to the Cachanilla City were Unveiled

    Mexicali. – As an initiative of the Cachanilla private enterprise, Hermosillo & Asociados, lead by architect and current Senator of the Republic, Victor Hermosillo Celada, this past Tuesday May 31st, the over two meters high monument formed by 8 letters of colors made ​​of steel was unveiled. It was made …

May, 2016
