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November, 2020

  • 11 November

    Coparmex points out illegality and unconstitutionality

    -Editorial Mexicali, B.C.- In recent days a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that explains the cut to the bonus for federal workers. Due to this, Coparmex released a statement in which this action is classified as a serious violation of human rights. This presidential …

  • 11 November

    Georgia Orders Vote Recount by Hand for Presidential Race

    -Editorial Georgia’s secretary of state announced Wednesday that the state will conduct an audit of the 2020 presidential race, recounting by hand the millions of ballots cast in the state, where President-elect Joe Biden is leading. Georgia will conduct a statewide recount of ballots cast in the election between President …

  • 11 November

    Imperial County Considers Supporting ICOE for Borderlink Expansion

    -Editorial The Imperial County Board of Supervisors reviewed and discussed the next phase of the Borderlink project at their regular meeting on Nov. 10.  Dr. Todd Finnell, Imperial County Office of Education Superintendent made a presentation regarding this project to the Board of Supervisors. The board gave direction to the CEO’s office to assess the availability …

  • 10 November

    Opposing Political Groups Clash in Washington D.C.

    -Editorial As the nation continues to be divided about the outcome of the election, many are planning to go to Washington D.C. to either support President Donald Trump or demand that he leaves and admits his defeat. It’s been a week after the presidential election and Trump has still not …

  • 10 November

    IID Will Fund Local Organizations and Businesses That Help the Community

    -Editorial The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors reviewed the organizations that have been recommended to receive Local Entity Fund money at their Nov. 3rd meeting. These local organizations will be given funds to support community projects and help each organization to retain jobs and also help those in need. …

  • 9 November

    President-elect Biden unveils COVID-19 task force

    -Editorial President-elect Biden’s transition team unveiled the members of his Covid-19 task force on Monday, a team of former government health officials, academics, and major figures in medicine. The list includes Rick Bright, the former head of the vaccine-development agency BARDA ousted by the Trump administration in April; Atul Gawande, …

  • 9 November

    Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine is looking 90% effective

    -Editorial People all over the world received good news as Pfizer announced that a vaccine candidate has been successful. The vaccine candidate was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis. The analysis evaluated …

  • 6 November

    Biden Takes the Lead in the Presidential Election

    -Editorial Joe Biden is getting closer to become the next president of the United States as he has taken a small lead in some of the battleground states Friday morning. Joe Biden has overtaken President Trump in Pennsylvania and in Georgia, as vote counting continues. He is also holding onto …

  • 6 November

    Trump Claims Democrats Are Trying to Steal the Election

    -Editorial President Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of trying to steal the election and says there has been voter fraud. Trump spoke Thursday evening from the White House, the first time that he has addressed the public since his remarks in the early hours of Wednesday morning after election night. …

  • 5 November

    Imperial County Takes Care of the Vulnerable During The Pandemic

    -Editorial The Imperial County Board of Supervisors will submit an application for the California Department of Housing and Community Development emergency solutions grant program for Coronavirus aid and relief efforts.  The Board of Supervisors took action to allow the Department of Social Services to seek state funding and continue their …
