-Editorial Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Board President Alex Cardenas has been selected to attend the Legislative Energy Horizon Institute (LEHI) program for 2023. This invitation was extended to President Cardenas through his participation in the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Policy Makers Council. Through APPA’s sponsorship of the LEHI program, …
July, 2023
6 July
California Invests Nearly $2 Billion in Transportation Infrastructure
-Editorial The California Transportation Commission (CTC) this week invested nearly $2 billion into improving the state’s transportation infrastructure while approving an additional $2.3 billion for future projects. The nearly $2 billion allocation reflects more than $571 million in funding from the 2021 federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and more than …
3 July
Imperial County Representatives Attend Lithium Annual Event in Nevada
-Editorial Chairman of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors, Ryan E. Kelley, and County Executive Officer, Miguel Figueroa, participated in the 15th Annual Fastmarkets Lithium Supply and Battery Raw Materials Americans annual event held this week in Henderson, Nevada. This prestigious event, the largest global forum for lithium and battery …
June, 2023
29 June
Colorado Congresswoman Initiates Recall Attempt Against Joe Biden
-Editorial Congresswoman Lauren Boebert initiated historic impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden, with all House Republicans voting for Rep. Boebert’s bill to proceed through the traditional, institutional process. Boebert stated, “Joe Biden’s unconstitutional dereliction of his Article II duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed warrants impeachment. …
26 June
Baja California State Assembly Greenlights Digital Driver’s Licenses
-Editorial The Baja California State Assembly has approved a reform to the Law Regulating Vehicle Control Services in the state, paving the way for the issuance of digital driver’s licenses while retaining the option for traditional physical documents. The reform, which received majority support in a general session of Congress, …
19 June
Calexico Celebrates Raising the LGBTQ Progress Pride Flag
-Editorial In a historic event, Calexico became the first city in the Imperial Valley to host a flag-raising ceremony for the Progress Pride Flag at City Hall thus making a statement that the city is open and inclusive to all. “The LGBTQ community has faced intense discrimination in the Imperial …
16 June
IID Board Prepares Reorganization of Public Affairs Department
-Editorial The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors met at their regular meeting on June 6 to discuss various issues that included a presentation on how to improve public affairs strategies. On Dec. 20, 2022, the board voted to form a Public Affairs Workgroup composed of Directors J.B. Hamby and …
12 June
COVID Relief Funds Misspent During Health Crisis
-Editorial Years after the COVID health crisis, some of the federal money allocated for emergency use has been wrongly used for fraudulent purposes. For this reason, the federal government has initiated action to take misspent money back and punish those that did it. According to an investigation by the Associated …
9 June
Baja California Governor Honors Decades of Dedication and Celebrates Freedom of Expression Day
-Editorial In a momentous celebration of Freedom of Expression Day, Governor Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda took the opportunity to recognize the tireless efforts of the media professionals who dedicate themselves to their craft daily, as well as honoring the remarkable careers of those who have been part of the …
5 June
IID Board of Directors Approved Water Supply Agreement with Mineral Company
-Editorial The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors approved an agreement with a company that wants to expand in Imperial Valley at the May 2nd meeting. EnergySource Minerals, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, including its wholly owned subsidiary ESM ATLIS LLC, proposes to construct and operate a commercial minerals …