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July, 2018

  • 25 July

    Trump Administration Recklessly Ended TPS Humanitarian Program Despite Warnings

    -White House Ignored State Department Experts who Warned that Terminating TPS Jeopardizes U.S. Security Interests Washington, DC—The Trump administration moved to end a humanitarian program that protected more than 300,000 Salvadorans, Hondurans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans, despite warnings from State Department experts that doing so could significantly impact regional security and …

  • 18 July

    3 Reasons Immigration Is Vital To The U.S. Economy

    Immigration remains a hot-button topic, and how it’s tied to U.S. jobs and the economy creates much of the debate. Critics of immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants, say they’ve taken jobs away from American workers. President Donald Trump emphasized that contention – often raised by Republicans – during his campaign with …

  • 15 July

    OBSERBC recognizes the state government for achieving number 1 in the budget information index granted by IMCO

    -Editorial The OBSERBC recently sent us its analysis of  Financial Statements for the Government of the State of Baja California from 2013 to 2017 and 2018 Budget, for which the state’s citizens organization presented a recognition to the governor Francisco Vega de la Madrid, for his willingness and commitment in …

  • 9 July


    • Receives record of majority as senator-elect for Baja California • Presents an immediate initiative to lower taxes to 8% • Will be a worthy representative of the State MEXICALI, BAJA CALIFORNIA.- Gina Andrea Cruz Blackledge received the certificate of majority as Senator-elect, from the members of the Local Council of …

  • 4 July

    Governor Race Will Be Competitive As Californians Still Can’t Get a Latino Governor

    By: Mario Conde In 1875, Jose Antonio Romualdo Pacheco Jr. became the first Hispanic Governor of California. Born into a prominent California family, the future governor held various state and federal positions and was very well respected in the political world. Pacheco served as Lieutenant Governor of California under Newton …

  • 1 July


    Respectfully exhorted Baja Californians to comply with their duty as citizens TIJUANA, BC- Sunday, July 1, 2018.- Baja California has historically stood out for conducting the electoral processes in an orderly and calm way, in which full respect for citizen participation has been privileged, said the State Governor, Francisco Vega …

  • 1 July

    Members of Congress and Immigration Advocates Launch Campaign to Tear Down Second Wall

    Members of Congress and Immigrant Advocates Launch Campaign to Tear Down the “Second Wall” Preventing Eligible Immigrants From Becoming U.S. Citizen Washington D.C.- The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) along with a coalition of immigrant rights organizations, Representatives Lofgren and Gutierrez, and a growing list of congressional members and mayors, are …

  • 1 July

    Experts in Mexico City for Mexican Elections Today

    MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s general elections are taking place today, July 1, 2018. Experts from the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute will be on-the-ground in Mexico City before, during, and after the elections. Following is the list of experts who will be watching July 1st Mexico’s largest election: Duncan Wood (@AztecDuncan; …

June, 2018
