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Lee sobre las opiniones actuales, comentarios, artículos de opinión, análisis sobre noticias y discusiones, opiniones políticas, caricaturas, acompañados de problemas actuales incluyendo la asistencia médica y cuestiones morales presentados por expertos y líderes en la comunidad regional.

January, 2019

  • 20 January

    Binational Economic Hub

    By: Xavier Rivas For the astronaut José Hernández who among his clients at Tierra y Luna Engineering Company are Boeing and NASA, the new concept that, at the initiative of Mayor Santos González Yescas of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, has woven with the acceptance of Imperial County California and …

July, 2018

  • 29 July


    By: Teodoro Rentería Arróyave For several decades in our “Comments on Time”, we had argued that when the elector Mexican people were aware that their vote was not only used to select one or several candidates but to reward or punish politicians aspiring to elected positions, political parties and governments, …

June, 2018

  • 13 June


    By: Teodoro Rentería Arróyave As we write in advance for the radio, in the so-called Third Presidential Debate, which should be called stricto sensu, debate of candidates or aspirants to the Presidency of the Republic or debate for the Presidency, it is to be noted that again the one marking …

  • 8 June

    Mexico lives crucial hours

    By: Arch. Victor Hermosillo, Senator in Mexico. We Mexicans are about to define two major issues that will mark the course of the next 20 years. This is the conclusion of the renegotiation of NAFTA and the presidential election in July of this year. It is not new that, in …

January, 2018

  • 21 January


    By: Teodoro Rentería Arróyave PUEBLA, PUEBLA.- The former president of the Mexican Republic, for official purposes, of the United Mexican States, Luis Echeverría Álvarez, lives and turned 96 years old on January 17th. We are living hot moments but at the same time chaotic ones because of the presidential succession …

December, 2017

  • 31 December

    Mexico, the richest country in the world

    By: Arq. Victor Hermosillo, Senator in Mexico The year ends and we also approach the end of another six-year term in Mexico, a time when hope and promises are renewed, although the problems in our country remain the same: corruption, impunity and insecurity. In addition, we now deal with a …

October, 2017

  • 8 October

    Difficult times for the DREAMers

    By: Victor Hermosillo, Senator in Mexico The United States is the nation in the world that most promotes the values ​​of innovation and entrepreneurship, the country where people who are persistent and passionate are rewarded; it is likely that there is no other region in the world where dreams materialize …

August, 2017

  • 26 August

    MALDEF Statement on Trump Pardon of Joe Arpaio

    (Los Angeles) – Please attribute the following statement on Donald J. Trump’s pardon of Joe Arpaio, the disgraced former sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ, to Thomas A. Saenz, president and general counsel of MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund): “In a craven and gratuitous abuse of presidential power, Donald Trump …

  • 4 August

    The United States without a leader

    By: Victor Hermosillo, Senator in Mexico. Just a year ago when Trump pointed out Mexico as the cause of all the ills of the United States and questioned the convenience of NAFTA, the Mexican peso was immediately devalued, even if it was only a tweet. Just a few months ago …

July, 2017

  • 16 July

    The Happiness Formula

    By: Marco Vinicio Blanco How desperate as parents we are to see the security crisis that our society is living! It is becoming increasingly difficult to explain to our children what the newspaper reports every day, why so many policemen and yellow tapes in photos, in television news. How do …
