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February, 2020

  • 10 February

    The Super Bowl Economy Analysis in 2020

    By: Dr. Alejandro Diaz-Bautista, economist (PhD) The sport of tackles is a moneymaker in the United States and Mexico. The 54th edition of the Super Bowl is one of the most-watched sporting events on the planet during 2020. “The Super Bowl is the most important game and the end of …

  • 4 February


    Individuals are encouraged to take steps to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses.  IMPERIAL COUNTY- The Imperial County Public Health Department shared today that county health officials are monitoring for the spread of coronavirus.  Public health department staff continues to work closely with state and federal agencies to monitor the cases …

January, 2020

  • 19 January

    Filter System is Introduced to Combat Bad Air Quality

    -Editorial In order to create a mechanism to clean the air and reduce air pollution, a new system that could benefit the city was introduced this weekend. Thanks to the initiative of a young Mexicali resident, there is a new option for the city’s industries to purify the pollutants that …

  • 16 January

    China and U.S. Sign New Trade Deal

    -Editorial In a major economic victory for President Donald Trump, China and the United States signed a new trade deal easing tensions between the two countries. Both countries signed the first phase of the new trade deal after two years of negotiations. “From day one, my Administration has fought tirelessly …

  • 9 January

    Australia burns in flames; American firefighters attend the call

    -Editorial For several weeks, thousands of strong images about the situation in South Australia have been circulating in social media about forest fires, which have severely affected the natural environment of millions of animal species, mainly kangaroos and koalas, which abound in that region. A widely disseminated report from the …

  • 3 January

    Machine learning meets quantum physics

    By: Sankar Das Sarma, physics faculty member at the University of Maryland Machine learning is a field of computer science that seeks to build computers capable of discovering meaningful information and making predictions about data. It is the core of artificial intelligence (AI) and has powered many aspects of modern …

December, 2019

  • 1 December

    An Act of Disobedience by Rosa Parks Helped End Racial Segregation

    -Editorial On the evening of December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American, was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law requiring black passengers to relinquish seats to white passengers when the bus was full. Blacks also were required to sit at the back of the bus. Her arrest sparked a …

November, 2019

October, 2019

  • 20 October

    Historical expedition completed by two NASA female astronauts

    -Editorial On a historic day for NASA, the world astronautics industry, and for humanity in general, for the first time, two women, Jessica Meir and Christina Koch, made the first space expedition run exclusively by women. They were on the space orbit for 7 hours and 17 minutes, performing a …

September, 2019
