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March, 2018

  • 14 March


    The event will take place on Friday, March 16 at 6:00 p.m. next to Héroes de Chapultepec Park. Musicians from Mexicali and Calexico will come together to celebrate the anniversary of our city. Mexicali, BC.- The 22nd City Council of Mexicali through the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture IMACUM, …

  • 11 March

    Blue Angels Amaze Valley During Annual Air Show

    -Editorial A cloudy, rainy day in the Imperial Valley was not enough to stop thousands of residents from enjoying the annual air show that has become a tradition for more than thirty years. With a spectacular air show that began at 2 p.m. on March 10, the Blue Angels began …

  • 10 March

    California Mid-Winter Fair in Imperial Valley Brings Families Together

    -Editorial With great success, the 2018 edition of the Mid-Winter Fair in the Imperial Valley is being held. Despite the cold weather that we had this Saturday, hundreds of people and families have gathered to enjoy the games, concerts, and exhibitions at the fair. This year’s theme is called “The Field …

January, 2018

  • 5 January

    Blue Angels arrive in El Centro for winter training

    -Editorial Imperial Valley’s biggest attraction is now in El Centro for winter training. The Blue Angels landed at the Naval Air Facility in El Centro, California on Wednesday, January 3rd to commence a ten week training session that will prepare them for the annual Air Show on Saturday, March 10. Admission is …

October, 2017

  • 18 October


    Friday at Morelos Park (Tijuana) and Saturday at FEX (Mexicali). Free admission. The Mexican rock band led by Álex Lora, EL TRI, will play this Friday, 20 in Tijuana and Saturday, 21 in Mexicali, in the framework of the XVI October Festival 2017 organized by the Government of the State …

  • 14 October

    Fiestas del Sol has something for everyone

    -Editorial The 42nd Annual Fiestas del Sol had a successful 2017 edition full of new attractions and a variety of artists performing at the fair. Mexicali Mayor Gustavo Sanchez promised that these Fiestas would be the best ever. This year, the theme for Fiestas is going back to the 70s …

  • 11 October

    Bronco Breaks Attendance Record

    By: Mario Conde On Friday, October 7 Grupo Bronco broke attendance records at Fiestas Del Sol as thirty-five thousand people attended their concert at the Island of Stars. The band has more than 20 years together and still draw big crowds. Mexicali Mayor Gustavo Sanchez said the Bronco’s concert was …

July, 2017

May, 2017

  • 27 May


    By: Mario Conde He grew up in Calexico and made of music his passion that led him to a successful career in the music business. Dan Navarro returned to Calexico on Saturday, April 1st to play for the first time ever before the community he grew up with. Dan is …
