Home / LATEST NEWS / Calexico Braces for Recall Election as Dissatisfaction Mounts Against Council Members

Calexico Braces for Recall Election as Dissatisfaction Mounts Against Council Members


A recall election against Calexico Mayor Raul Urena and Councilman Gilberto Manzanares is set to take place on April 16. This electoral process, fueled by mounting concerns and dissatisfaction among residents, aims to address the performance and leadership of these two officials. As the election draws near, the city anticipates a lively campaign season characterized by intense debates, community engagement, and a crucial decision-making process that will shape the city’s future. 

But unlike recent high-profile recall elections such as the California Gubernatorial recall election against Gavin Newsom a few years ago, this local election will not have candidates running to replace in this special election. 

According to Imperial County Registrar of Voters Linsey Dale, Pursuant to Elections Code §11382, there shall not be an election for a successor in a recall election for a local officer.  If a majority of the votes on the recall are “YES”, the officer is removed and the office will be vacant until it is filled according to the law.  

“In this case, the City of Calexico could either make an appointment, hold another special election for the replacement or consolidate with the November 5, 2024 General Election. Any successor appointed or elected would serve out the remaining time of the term through December 2026,” Dale said in an e-mail on Jan. 17.

Calexico’s Municipal Code Section 17.01.1114 states that no campaign signs may be posted more than ninety days prior to an election. Candidates / Groups may “campaign” but they cannot post any campaign signs until today (January 17th) which is the 90 day mark.

The following are key dates regarding the recall election was found on the County Election website which is shared below: 

According to the Imperial County Elections Department, from Dec. 25 to January 19, an officer whose recall is being sought may prepare a Statement of Qualifications, not to exceed 200 words, to be included in the Voter’s Information Guide. The statement will remain confidential until the deadline for filing has passed. The statement may not be changed but may be withdrawn up to 5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2024. A fee will be charged by the Registrar of Voters for any statement. A written request to withdraw a Candidate Statement must be sent to the Registrar of Voters’ Office before the deadline listed above.

From January 17 to April 16, during the 90 days immediately preceding an election and including Election Day, the following contributions that total in the aggregate of $1,000 or more must be reported within 24 hours to the Registrar of Voters.

Form 496: File if independent expenditures of $1,000 or more are made.

Form 497: File if a contribution of $1,000 or more in the aggregate is received from a single source.

Non-Monetary Contribution: The recipient of a non-monetary contribution of $1,000 or more must file a Form 497 report within 48 hours from the time the contribution is received, filed by personal delivery, email, guaranteed overnight service, fax, or online if available.

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