By: Teodoro Rentería Arroyave

Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa, as he is publicly known, after presenting himself this Sunday to vote in the elections to renew the national leadership and other entities of the National Action Party, PAN, and reveal that he issued his vote in favor of Manuel Gómez Morín and later realized that his favorite had no chance to emerge victorious from the race because it would devastate Marko Cortes Mendoza, Ricardo Anaya’s group, announced his resignation to the blue and white party, which gave him shelter and took him to the Presidency of the Republic, we repeat: “Whatever it may have been”

Three days before, he had already announced his intention to create his own political party, because according to his assessment, the PAN “had been taken by a camarilla” that has “destroyed his democratic life to such an extent that it is impossible to change it from within”.

Then he said that the association called “Free” which his wife founded, Margarita Ester Zavala Gomez del Campo, will precisely be turned into a political party.

Textual tweet: Today I went to vote for @ManuelGomzMorin in the PAN election. I did it out of respect for the effort that he, @mirellemontes and all his team have made as a last resort to change the party, although the manipulation of the internal register nullifies almost any possibility of change.

“After 9:00 p.m., the Plenary of the National Organizing Committee of the Election for the National Executive Committee, CONECEN, informed of the preliminary results of the election to renew the national leadership of the PAN party, with a tendency, he said, of 79 percent in favor of Marko Cortés and 21 percent of votes for Manuel Gómez Morín.

In addition, he confirmed that no formal incident was received due to irregularities in the process, and if the process continues its course without complaints or challenges it will deliver the majority record to the winner Marko Cortés next Friday.

The loser Manuel Gómez Morín, although again rejected the invitation of Marko Cortés to collaborate with him, indicated that he will take some time to reflect on his stay in the PAN. Anaya, for his part, declared that he trusts that the PAN will consolidate as a counterweight that Mexico needs.

Who failed again? Who betrayed their pledged word? The Calderón-Zavala, the short-tempered that renounced to their party, the PAN. The first one because he no longer plays its factotum part at the party but nevertheless gave him shelter and made him president “has it been as it has been,” and Margarita for getting into the presidential contest who then resigned before the impossibility to succeed, in addition, breach his word, when he created his organization textually saying: “the Free Non-profit Association does not seek to be a political party.”

Journalist and writer; President of the National Association of Graduates in Journalism, CONALIPE; Secretary of Social Development of the Latin American Federation of Journalists, FELAP; Founding president and honorary lifetime member of the Federation of Associations of Mexican Journalists, FAPERMEX, member of the Permanent Advisory Council of Primera Plana Club and Number Academic of the National Academy of History and Geography, ANHG. I will appreciate your comments and criticism at teodoro@libertas.com.mx, teodororenteriaa@gmail.com. We are tuned at the frequencies throughout the Republic of Libertas Radio. We invite you to visit: www.felap.info, www.ciap-felap.org, www.fapermex.org, and www.clubprimeraplana.org

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