Home / ARTS & CULTURE / Business, taste and Paint, a space for business networking and leisure

Business, taste and Paint, a space for business networking and leisure

At “Business, Taste and Paint” by Business Den, photo courtesy by: Revista ACTITUD M.


In order to create a space for business networking and at the same time provide attendees with a fun and leisure moment, Business Den created the event “Business, taste in Paint”, which held its third edition on Saturday, November 20 where the new Stardust craft beer was also presented.

For those who don’t know Business Den, it is a consortium with specialized mentoring services for entrepreneurs, businessmen, and investors in business areas such as business law, wealth planning, protection, digital marketing, tax administration, and human resources consulting, located in Mexicali, Baja California.

The event of around five hours begins with an exhibition and self-presentation area where the exhibitors (those who bring products to be exhibited or services), have a few minutes to talk about what they offer and the other participants get to know them, then they go to an area where each participant has a canvas and brushes in a conference room where a business conference related to one of Business Den services is offered in some specialty, after the conference it is time to taste wine, beer craft or some drink, as well as sandwiches or canapés and ends with a painting class taught by the architect Susana Tinoko, from Inkyarte.

“Today we had 13 participants, around 6 exhibitors in our lounge area and we want to continue with this platform, to serve as a seedbed, to create alliances, that is exactly what we are looking for, to generate bonds of trust between people, which is the exhibitors with the participant so that they know the local businesses, reactivate what we know is still in the struggle, which is the family economy, so we invite all local businesses to participate in the next Business, taste and Paint that will take place in January 2022 and it will be our 4th edition ”, mentioned Laura Sánchez, one of the organizers.

On this occasion, the participants in the exhibition area were Karla Nieblas from Me in Balance, holistic therapies, Natalia García with Christmas decorations, Paty Hernández with Oriflame, Karina Rodríguez from KR publicity and KR events, Karla Alvarez from Royal Prestige, Iveth de Dios with Midocom.mxl, a surgical grade disinfectant, and José (Chichi) Real with his new Stardust craft beer; and as part of the organizing companies were Lic. Mayra Acosta from A&M Asesoría Corporativa and the Certified by Maxwell Coach, Laura Sánchez from Identidad con Sentido.

Business Den plans to hold an edition of this event every month next year, starting with the 4th edition in January 2022.

Follow them on social media to know about their coming editions and RSVP to participate. Find the page on Facebook as: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessDenMentoringService.

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