Home / LATEST NEWS / Baja California State Congress Provides Training on Identification and Prevention of Violence Against Women

Baja California State Congress Provides Training on Identification and Prevention of Violence Against Women


In a significant effort to address and prevent gender-based violence in the workplace, the State Congress of Baja California, through its Gender Equality Unit, has invited all male employees of the institution to participate in the Training and Education School for New Masculinities. This program aims to identify and question the social construction of masculinity while promoting new normative values from a human rights perspective.

The training will be conducted in collaboration with the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) and the Municipal Institute for Women of Mexicali (IMMM). According to Patricia Ochoa Valle, head of the Gender Unit, the main goal is to develop and strengthen the knowledge and competencies of participants to address the needs and demands in issues related to the prevention and eradication of violence against women in the workplace.

The initiative reflects the commitment of Baja California legislators to promote a culture of respect and gender equity. Ochoa Valle emphasized that the request and approval by the Congress President, Assembly member Dunnia Montserrat Murillo López; the coordinator of the Political Coordination Board (JUCOPO), Assembly member Juan Manuel Molina García; and the chair of the Gender Equality Commission, Assembly member Michel Sánchez Allende, clearly indicate the legislators’ willingness to promote responsibilities in the development of functions within public administration.

Training public servants on the prevention of gender-based violence is considered an essential strategy for promoting non-violent and responsible masculinities. This training aims not only to educate men on preventing violence against women but also to create a space where they can reflect on their role in society and their work environments.

The training will be offered in both in-person and virtual formats on four dates: September 18, 24, and 30, and October 9, 2024. It is directed at deputies, directors, area heads, and base, trust, and temporary personnel who work in male technical and administrative bodies. During these sessions, relevant topics will be addressed, including “Ethical Masculinities,” “Positive Masculinities,” and “Prevention of Gender-Based Violence.” “Instruments for attention, prevention, and sanction to eradicate violence against women” within the State Congress will also be discussed.

The focus of this program is clear: it aims to build a culture of respect and equity, where men become allies in the fight against gender-based violence. The training will equip participants with the necessary tools and knowledge, fostering a change in mindset towards more inclusive and respectful masculinities.

This effort is part of a broader trend in the country and around the world, where more institutions are recognizing the need to involve men in the prevention of gender-based violence. The success of such programs will largely depend on men’s willingness to question the social norms and gender stereotypes that have perpetuated inequality and violence.


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