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A Time for Vacation!

By: Katie Beth Luna, Brawley Chamber of Commerce Director.

Have you gone on vacation this year? Are you going on vacation soon? Vacation is essential! Not only for you to relax and restore your sanity, but also for the economy to flourish. “Visit California” reported over 1 million tourism jobs and 45 billion dollars in travel spending for 2016. Simply put, when you take a vacation, you are sustaining jobs, creating commerce, and propelling the economy forward.

Chambers of commerce are a driving force for tourism information exchange. People often use the Chamber as a resource before, during and after their vacation. When you go on vacation, consider visiting your local Chamber of Commerce for these reasons:

  1. Plan the Best- If you want to see the best sites, visit the best attractions, or spend time at the best places, Chamber staff will happily assist you in finding the best of everything. Many Chambers have useful tools, known as visitors guides, that can be used as a vacation planner.  Some Chambers hold contracts to serve as their City or County visitors center which is designed solely for the purpose of being an informational hub for travelers.
  1. Authenticity- Each Chamber of Commerce holds the key to authenticity in their city. If you want to have an authentic local experience while you are on vacation, visit the Chamber to inquire about upcoming events and city traditions. Often times, there are local events or happenings throughout the years and you can take part in them.
  2. Discounts Galore- many chambers of commerce allow their membership to provide discounts to other members and the public. This perk of membership means that consumers can plan their vacation while getting good deals on things like travel, hotel stay, and food services.  It’s common for many foyers to hold coupons for local restaurants and activities, all of which can make your vacation less costly and less stressful.
  3. Find Your Way- Getting lost is easier than you think these days. Although everyone has a cell phone and those phones have maps, you can still get lost. You might lose reception or run out of battery so, if you get lost while on Vacation, stop at the Chamber of Commerce for a map. Chambers have maps of all kinds that can help guide you to your destination.
  4. Ensure Quality- It’s easy to find a good deal these days, but is a good deal guaranteed? Not always. When visiting the Chamber before or during your vacation be sure to ask for a business directory. Businesses often join the Chamber of Commerce to establish their reputation and credibility. These businesses have taken the extra care to ensure their products and services are guaranteed with quality. After all, their reputation is on the line and they want repeat business.
  5. Download- after your vacation is a success, go back to the Chamber and tell them. Staff love hearing about the benefits you received from using their services. Write a testimonial or review that can be used on the Chamber website or social media.

Chambers of commerce are here to help you. When you plan to go on vacation, the Chamber should be your first stop for information, discounts, maps, and planners. Chambers have all you need to make your vacation easy and cost-effective.

Visit the Brawley Chamber of Commerce for travel info. 204 S. Imperial Ave, Brawley, CA. Or give us a call at 760-344-3160.

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