Home / BUSINESS / A Successful Synergy Global Forum 2017 edition took place in New York

A Successful Synergy Global Forum 2017 edition took place in New York

By: Ellie Burgueño

On board of a plane on my way back home after attending the Synergy Global Forum 2017, unable to sleep during the more than 4 hours flight from New York City, and inspired by my imagination with the desire to share the experience, I decided to take my laptop and write.

Beyond Borders Gazette is certainly a young media outlet, which was put on paper four and a half years ago, and which is already a year and a half old, in which we have achieved a significant breakthrough and positioning within the US-Mexico border region, for which we are infinitely grateful to our clients, sponsors, readers, contributors and team, who have greatly contributed to the success of this publication whose main objective is to unite our borders.

For all the above, it was a great experience and honor to have been part of the media that contributed to the diffusion of the Synergy Global Forum 2017 in New York City with 5,500 attendees from all over the world, where we could see personalities such as: Simon Sinek, Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Goleman, Steve Forbes, Robin Wright, Jack Welch, Jimmy Wales, Richard Branson among others, and Paris Hilton as DJ in an ice breaker show after the first day of conferences.

Participating in this event was very significant for us because we established ourselves as media partners of this organization, “Synergy Global”, which is dedicated to the production of these kind of world class events since 2008, and which for the first time carried out this forum in the United States, choosing the city of New York as its headquarters.

We are happy and grateful for the attention, dissemination, and space provided within the event, where we could be part of a range of top-level conferences for entrepreneurs from all over the world and where we even had the opportunity to make strategic connections who will provide our publication, Beyond Borders Gazette, greater opportunities for expansion and distinction, Synergy Global is an event that every entrepreneur with a desire to learn and go beyond their selves should attend.

No doubt connections are very important for any company, because in the business world, often times it doesn’t depend on how much you know or how good you are at a certain topic, but who you know and how deep your relationship with that person is; so the focus of events like the Synergy Global Forum, is not to compete, but to create strategic alliances based on friendship, kindness, camaraderie, and purpose, where a brainstorm of ideas arises in a conducive environment and synergy is created to co-create great ideas and projects in a short or long term.

I was left with a good taste after seeing so many entrepreneurs gathered with the desire and intention to interact with one another, people who perhaps do not share their same culture, their same language or perhaps their ideology, but nevertheless, see them as a broad market full of opportunities which are not limited to a single region or a single country but opens up to the whole world.

It fills me with hope to see so many well-intentioned people with a desire to learn and create positive synergy, gathered in one place. Sadly, when arriving home we were shocked to learn that through the streets where we had been walking the day before, a terrorist attack took place. It’s a pity that there is this type of individuals in the world who do so much damage; they should disappear! I still believe that good is stronger than evil and that evil can and must be defeated.

I conclude that events such as the Synergy Global Forum allow us to live the pleasant experience of meeting people who, far from division and inequality, seek to make alliances to grow as a better person and with this I confirm that even though political leaders may be against inclusion and opening of the market, the reality is that good connections and good clients are not limited to our cities, our states, or our country, but are located anywhere in the world.

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